
Message of the Day – A Cartoon — 8 Comments

  1. “Stupid is what stupid does.”……….Forrest Gump

  2. Why is the ineffectual cartoon cop depicted as white?

    This bill, however, was proposed by a negro state rep who said his proposal was needed to undo ‘white supremacy.’

  3. Still think that CW2 is just some wacky conspiracy theory ?

    Need more proof ?

    You will have it whether you’re ready for it or not.

  4. Worst possible category of people to supplement the real police. Better to have people who get around a lot, see a lot of stuff going on. Garbage men, mailmen, big box truck drivers, package delivery guys.

  5. Why are negro politicos destroying Chicago?

    Now they want to destroy the whole state.

    The new black Chicago Police Chief is a real headcase.

  6. Johnsburger, you are 100% right on about Chiraq Police Chief David Brown beeing a clown.

    He cannot pronounce 4 syllable words reading from a TelePrompter.

    He is just another affirmative action poser, EVEN WORSE than his predecessor who was found roaring drunk in an unmarked CPD car in the middle of an intersection after conducting an affair with a subordinate CPD female.

    He then lied about the whole thing and attempted to have his ‘taxi squad’ lose the key records.

    Even the pathetic Beetlejuice, who covered up for him once already with $45k missing in petty cash [more whoring?], had to fire his fat black butt.

    How somebody like him who gets jumped ahead for a kidney transplant AND THEN DRINKS to excess (one of the worst things a transplantee can do) had the top cop position just proves the point that even the most competent and ‘presentable’ blacks they can dredge up are way below par.

    Affirmative action costs us lives, money, stability! BUT BLACKS MUST BE WORSHIPPED AND IDOLIZED.

  7. David Brown, huh?

    Skyrocketing crime, carjackings galore, unsolved arsons, murders and expressway shootings mount to over 1000.

    And this black fool says things are ‘stabilizing’?

  8. They already have police powers, they have “Citizen’s Arrest” powers which in some cases are more effective than the police in that they cannot violate your rights, they just have to witness the crimes.

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