
Crystal Lake Mayoral Mailing for Donald Kountz — 6 Comments

  1. Absolutely, THE BEST MAN FOR THE JOB.

    City Council meetings are starting to look like Lakewood.

    NO consideration for the taxpayers when they attend.

    Votes are DONE DEALS and citizens are just a pain.

    Cameron Hubbard is the only member that treats people with respect.

    Mr. Kountz is the citizen neighbor that knows how to check things out and expose them.

    It is our money that they play with.

  2. Don Kountz is THE VERY BEST CHOICE.

    A well educated citizen neighbor that knows how to check things out and track the problems and with this council, the mistakes cost us $$.

    This city council is starting to look like Lakewood.

    No respect for the taxpaying citizens and what they have to say.

    The only member that treats people with respect is CAMERON HUBBARD.

  3. How about firing the C.M. too?

    time to clean some house don’t you think?

    its all of them “good ol scratch my back” and i’ll give you whatever you want…

    tudes that ruined this town, all they think of is themselves and self serving themselves…

    now that that b.s. is gone move’em out …

    i.e. oh let’s raise the sales tax we dont need to but lets do it anyways..

  4. Is he a Republican?

    If he is he’d better call K. Tirio about being at this event Friday!

    Freedom Friday – Rally and dinner at D’Andrea’s

  5. Unfortunately the only people supporting this guy on here are obviously friends of his rather than regular contributors.

    Therefore it’s tough to judge.

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