Discerning a QAnon Event

Be on the lookout for all references to the number “17”, and all subliminal messages literally adding up to the 17th letter of the alphabet

On Monday, organizers for a late October conference in Las Vegas announced the “Patriot Double Down” conference and released the above logo.

While labeling “For God & Country” with gambling may seem like an oxymoron, what is very clear, and hope to be made clear to discerning voters, is how to spot an event that is QAnon, when either the word “QAnon” or the “WWG1WGA” acronym (“where we go one, we go all”) is not present.

Nearly a year ago, when social media companies began cracking down on anything related to QAnon, many people were told to begin using the number “17” as a vague reference, since “Q” is the 17th letter of the alphabet.

And in spite of the queen of hearts being used by event sponsor “The Patriot Voice” with the “Q”, it’s the subliminal use of “17” three times in the above logo for the Las Vegas conference that stands out:

  • The blackjack 2-card hand value totals 17
  • The total for the pips shown on dice is 17
  • The number of chips counted add up to 17

This is no doubt a QAnon event, even though The Patriot Voice does not say it is, and one only need look at their logo to know. The original keynote speakers for the late October conference were initially announced to be General (ret) Michael Flynn and SC-based lawyer Lin Wood.

Both of those guests have been removed from The Patriot Voice website, only listing “mystery guests”.

If the subliminal messages and the website weren’t enough, a media source which tracks QAnon congressional candidates, Media Matters for America, published stories this morning confirming my suspicions of the QAnon conference.

Shrouded among patriotic themes, including God and country, it is a QAnon event.

Under the First Amendment and freedom of assembly, anyone can associate with anyone they want to, but with freedom of association and all First Amendment rights, come responsibilities and consequences.

Tomorrow, the latest Republican U.S. Senate candidate has been added to the list of 2022 congressional candidates and labeled as QAnon.


Discerning a QAnon Event — 18 Comments

  1. How clever!

    Just like the Heil Hitler 88 thing.

    Their own little secret society Jesus fish.


  2. Is this like when the number 13 really meant Marijuana, because the letter M is the 13th letter in the alphabet?

    Or 4-20, really is for Pot and Hitlers Birthday?

    What else?–oh yeah, the number 19 with lighting bolts means SS.

    It goes on and on.

    Now its 17 we gotta be on the lookout for, for secret societies, messages, symbols for other things.

    Ok, sure.

    Whats next a J&B Scotch bottle really means Joe Biden?

  3. More like BrainAgon.

    Personally, I think the Daleks are behind everything.

  4. Maybe Lopez should focus on actual conspiratorial communists…. like Antifa, BLM, Ms. Sean Casten, SPLC, CTU, Duck Durbin’s Israeli interns and

  5. its just amazing how these people stay up night and try to make everything about being a SHEEP like no one can think on their own! get a Life! all you bidumbs..

  6. There were no Daleks in the Dr. Who episodes I watched last night.

  7. …and?

    An event in Las Vegas?


    Why do I care?

    How does that affect my life?

    Why is that supposed to concern anybody reading this blog?

    This reads as an alarmist piece.

    “It’s Q Anon!” Well why am I supposed to be afraid of Q Anon?

    Because the media says so?

    Because Democrats say so?

    You referenced Media Matters.

    Maybe soon this blog will be citing ADL, SPLC, MSNBC, antifa’s hit lists, and Right Wing Watch.

    What sort of “consequences” come from attending a Q Anon event? It looked like there were plenty of Q Anon people at the anti-Biden, pro-Trump rally at MCC.

    I agree with Lee Preston: there are far worse groups out there which receive less attention.

    From what I see, Q Anon looks like a bunch of boomers, mommies, diabetics, people addicted to the internet, schizos, and federal agents pretending to not be federal agents. These aren’t terrorist supersoldiers.

    A pretty large % of people agree with ideas talked about in Q Anon circles.

    Isn’t it a pretty loose group too?

    They don’t have a rigid belief structure from what I know about them.

    I don’t really see why criticizing them is a path this blog wants to go down, and I don’t see why you just started talking about them and Groypers in July 2021, six months after Trump left office and right as these groups are fading into irrelevancy.

    If these groups are so bad, why spark interest in them as they are losing momentum?

    It’s worth noting here that Trump did not disavow Q Anon and he said their goal of fighting Satanists and pedophiles sounded like “a good thing.”

    The authors of this blog agree with that, right?

    I really don’t understand why you are counter-signalling Q Anon while also trying to attract a niche of anti-establishment Republicans to this blog and to your social media.

    I would bet money that none of these self-proclaimed anti-establishment Republicans running for office are going to be disavowing Q Anon. Marter wont’ do it.

    Lauf won’t do it.

    Lombardi wont’ do it. And to be honest, I don’t see why they should.

    Now if you want to know my more detailed take on Q Anon, keep reading because it’s not as positive as you might think from reading this comment so far.


    My take on Q Anon is the followers are led astray by red herrings. I think that’s actually the purpose of it.

    I think it’s a government controlled psy-op meant to misdirect people.

    You get some nuggets of truth but then blended in is false information and unverifiable schizoposting, and the effect is everything associated with that group gets tarnished and disregarded by a wider audience.

    Now anything that might be true gets ignored or ridiculed if it is associated with the group.

    I think that is the hidden purpose of it and most of the followers are going along for a ride.

    Why would someone think “Q” is a single government insider?

    Is it just a coincidence that “Q” is a group within the National Security Agency?

    Why would someone think Q is the good guy?

    It’s probably a network of people inside the intelligence agency who are not rogue at all but trying to control the opposition by leading them astray and by collecting information on them.


    (I didn’t even read these entire articles, I’m just posting them to show you that it has been widely reported that there is a group within the NSA called Q.)

    I think there’s also an element of complicity built into it. “Bro in two more weeks Trump is going to be back in office!”

    “Bro in 2 more weeks Clinton and Pelosi are going to be taken to jail!” It’s all a cope.

    I think it makes people quit being responsible citizens by instilling them with an idea that there is a parallel righteous deep state, or a group of patriots, or some intervention from God that is going to magically fix all these problems in the world.

    It’s a way to lull people asleep and get them to assume everything is going to work out because someone else is going to take care of it e.g. an insider coup or a divine intervention.

    I’m not a fan.

    Many of the original Q posts were stupid cryptoposts that were vague enough that they can be interpreted in so many ways as to render them meaningless, and the posts that were more specific in their predictions turned out to be wrong.

    So why would “Q” still be taken seriously?

    You can believe in “conspiracy theories” involving the elites or human trafficking without being a Qoomer.

    Most of the people who got into the Q-Anon stuff are probably good people who mean well but you have to be careful with what you read.

    There is a lot of misinformation and disinformation on the internet.

    Some of the things you hear from them might be real, others might not be.

    TL;DR Not bad people, mostly good people, probably being being led astray


    -The part in this article about identifying the symbolism of Q Anon is interesting, possibly helpful (although this is not groundbreaking information and anybody who has watched Vice or CNN’s reporting on Q Anon already knows about the number 17).

    -The general alarmist tone and finger wagging at the group, however, I don’t quite understand.

    -I’ve also heard a criticism of Q Anon put forth from some Christians that it’s too New Agey and is leading people astray in that regard. That’s not something I’ve explored in detail and this article made no mention of it either.

  8. I don’t think I’ve met a single person who believed any of that QAnon garbage, but I know lots of people who liked to talk about it because it was so far out there, and just about everyone loves a good conspiracy theory.

    Conspiracy theories usually fade from the public consciousness and get replaced by another one, but QAnon has lived an unnaturally long life because it suits the interests of liberal politicians and their enablers in the press.

    They’re keeping QAnon alive as a boogie man to tar the right and rile up their base.

    It’s a tactic right out of “Rules for Radicals.”

  9. Hey BatMan (BatShitCrazyMan), those theories have NOT BEEN DEBUNKED!

    And it’s in our History as fact.

    Did you really think they were going to stop because a few got caught with their dicks in kids?

    Ever hear of Denny Hastert, BoysTown Scandal linked all the way to the Whitehouse!

    Just look at Biden-that guy is out in the open with his dirty deeds!



  10. Adding to Murphy’s comment:

    Epstein, anybody? Remember Epstein?

    You know who used to hang out with Epstein? Many, many powerful people in politics, in royal families, in banking, etc.

    This is what I mean about red herrings and spoiled apples ruining the bunch.

    Someone hears Q Anon said JFK Jr is living in Antarctica or that Trump is a time travelling wizard, and all of a sudden we’re supposed to ignore Q Anon’s “conspiracy theories” full stop when a large part of what they discuss is sex trafficking being done by the elites WHICH IS VERY REAL!

    Abuse in Hollywood and the music industry is VERY REAL!

    I would consider anybody who denies this reality far more dangerous than some Q Anon boomer posting on Facebook.


    And I really thought the reference in the last sentence of this article was going to be about Jackson Lahmeyer who is running for U.S. Senate in Oklahoma.

    I’ll be reading John’s piece on Piton or whatever his name is later tonight.

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