Gary Rabine Says Local School Boards Should Determine Mask Policy

From Republican Party gubernatorial hopeful Gary Rabine:

Gary Rabine: School mask policies should be left to local school boards

Woodstock, IL – Gary Rabine, a candidate for Governor, says JB Pritzker’s new school mask mandate is an unnecessary abuse of power, and he is calling on the Governor to allow school boards to make these decisions at the local level.

Gary Rabine talks to local voter at Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce Business Expo. Algonquin Township Republican Party Chairman is in the foreground.

Rabine said the efficacy of mask mandates is sketchy at best.

In the spring of 2020, a Danish study of 6,000 participants found that those who wore masks were just as likely to get COVID-19 as those who didn’t.

Participants in the study were told to spend at least three hours outside their home and to practice social distancing and were then tested for COVID-19.

The comprehensive study found no statistical advantage to those who wore masks.

“This is about control – not about science,” Rabine said.

“We know that kids are at a low risk for the virus.

“Our kids had a rough year last year thanks to Governor Pritzker’s policies.

“We should allow local school boards to work with parents and students to set mask policies at the local level, instead of Pritzker’s one-size-fits-all solution.

“We need bold leadership, and we need to protect the rights of parents to make decisions for themselves and their children. I stand opposed to Governor Pritzker’s decision to infringe on parental rights.”


Gary Rabine Says Local School Boards Should Determine Mask Policy — 16 Comments

  1. Gary Rabine should put his focus on a plan to reduce the size and cost of Illinois’ nation leading 8,923 local governments!!! (Per-Civic Federation)

  2. That is not a logical position.

    Either masks help prevent infected people from spreading virus through nose and mouth, in which case spotty local mandates are ineffective, or they are part of the grand mind control conspiracy and they ought not be mandated anywhere.

  3. Paving the way to STAY… might be too late.

    We don’t have until the next election….

    We have to act NOW.

  4. And I’ll determine which paving company to call for my next job — Peterson or Hastings.

  5. First he questions immunizations, now he suggests each locality just freeball it on the prevention of a global pandemic.

    This is neither “bold” nor is it “leadership.”

    It’s the taking of a waffle position so he doesn’t scare off anti-vaxxers and the Q-party.

    He thinks this helps him avoid losing voters on both sides of the issue.

    But he goes further, and claims a mask mandate is about “control, not science.”

    If masking is truly only about control, then why even permit localities to impose that needless infringement on citizens’ rights and freedoms?

    Why wouldn’t a governor of Illinois forbid such control over Illinois residents that is imposed by these multiple local government? (Hey, this is a bullshit rule, but if upper buttcrack county school district wants to control your kids, I say go at it. Freedom!)

    This isn’t even a position that is internally consistent, let alone one that makes sense as a state-level policy.

  6. Wrong Gary – Parents should make that decision.

    Time to bust up all teacher unions, let the Commies clean the school commodes for a living.

  7. Is there a requirement that ALL teachers in Illinois, as well as all school staffs and administrators, be vaccinated for the Covid Chinese Virus?

  8. They did allow school districts to make these choices, and they many (perhaps most) didn’t choose to go along with masking.

    This is why they are clamping down.

    Parents; If you love your children, you won’t send them back to this.

    If you hate your children, by all means.

    Prove to us how much you hate them.

  9. Rabine, just another rich guy on a fool’s errand.

    When will nationalist candidates materialize.

    Hey Bob Anderson, you remind me of Don Quixote.

    Rabine will never dare to actually confront the tax pigs in township or any other useless level of government.

  10. No Rabine, you assh0le, PARENTS and KIDS should decide!

    What a fool this guy is!

    Local school boards are filled with Marxists, Socialists and Commies, that’s why the result would not change.

    This is why Rabine is and will be ineffective!

  11. Terminator, Rabine has already surprised many at how lame he is.

    How non-committal he is.

    How self-absorbed he is.

    And how ineffectual he is.

    He says stuff like this now, can you imagine how he’ll cave when it really starts to get ugly!

    He’ll fold like a cheap suit and be just one notch better than the elitist commie we have as Governor now!

  12. I don’t even like Gary Rabine that much but I would prefer to have local schools choosing over the CDC.

    Abe brings up a good point though.

    Abe says it shouldn’t be left up to local school boards but up to parents.

    I wish the debate was between local school boards vs individual choice as opposed to some unelected gov company called the CDC vs we put you in a concentration camp.

    You know that woman Welensky or whatever her name is went on air looking very nervous with earrings that signify she molests children.

    Look at her earrings.

    She is probably a pedophile.

    She has the pizza gate symbol on her earrings .

    Wow what a scumbag.

    Why would we accept health information from a pedophile??


  13. Those who know, weigh in, please?

    Children have many required immunizations in order to attend.

    Are teachers and employees also required to have those vaccinations, too. (Covid aside)

    Many private and parochial schools remained open during most of this time.

    How has that actually worked out?

    I should think their success at actually holding in-person and mostly unmasked classes should be the example to emulate.

    You can’t argue against something that has already proven to work pretty well.


  14. When will real leaders arise and take the country back?

    Not country club owners and toadies like Rabine!

  15. At least Rabine wasn’t a feted guest at the Biden CL fly in like the fat ass McH Co. GOP chairman Wilke or the RiNO Wilcox.

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