
Steal $54 Million from a Town and Get Out of Jail in Less Than Half of Almost 20-Year Sentence — 14 Comments

  1. Biden did this.

    Pritzker makes it happen.

    They’ve let out Thousands, including early on, violent felons.

    Not sure she’d be real cool walking down the streets of Dixon if part of her home confinement allows trips out and to the Doctor and such.

    A very punchable face that is hard to forget for the locals there.

  2. She got far more time than most Chicago black and brown convicted murderers.

  3. About the same time as Blago.

    But as for her, she actually did something.


  4. Blago’s real crime: going into Obongo’s gay past.

    That’s why certain parts of the wiretaps were redacted.

    Imagine a modern president where no vetting of his past history was ever allowed.

    Obama’s mother was a whore who posed for porn and bedded a diseased African who promptly tossed her to a trash heap.

  5. If Trump’s bratty kids did 1/100th of the things druggie Hunter Biden did, there’d be 24/7 coverage and outrage.

  6. No Not Hard to believe cause if your a criminal, liar and Cheater in this country & State you will do well,i.e. SMOLLET STILL WALKING AROUND… .. FF still in office… its dispicable what has happened to this Country just makes you wanna throw up!

  7. Cal, who was it who decided to release Rita early?

    Others mentioned Blago.

    He got out early because Trump commuted his sentence.

    Trump has the authority to do so.

    Governors have similar authority.

    Why is she out?

    Who let her out?

    We know Trump commuted Blago and we know why.

    Do we know WHOSE decision it was to let this woman out of prison early and WHY?

    I think she should have spent more time in prison.

    Truth be told, I think she should have been executed.

  8. “If Trump’s bratty kids did 1/100th of the things druggie Hunter Biden did, there’d be 24/7 coverage and outrage.”

    Try 10,000th.

    But don’t include creep in-laws of the brats, like Kushner, son of convicted crook.

  9. This would not happen if All Illinois counties, cities, towns, schools, parks and other municipal entities should hire Asset Control Solutions. My Schaumburg IL business performs GASB 34 fixed asset inventory and insurance replacement cost nationwide. We are completely Independent and give no favoritism to PDIRMA or any other Risk Pool (Risk Pools are illegal in some states FYI). We are highly recommended by the largest Governmental Audit Firms. Dixon School District is my client. Watch the movie Bad Education and then tell your local Government to hire ACS.

  10. I don’t know ANYTHING about this guy’s shameless business plug but I remember that song “Mr. Rager” by Kid Cudi.

    Ten years ago was a lot comfier.

    Even the rap music was better. Smart phones were not ubiquitous.

    PC gayness had not infected everything.

    That was before Obama had completely destroyed America though.

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