Mike Tryon Challenger Robert Kaempfe on Radio

I think I was in Birds and Beasts Pet Shop buying crickets for my son’s anoles.

Either that or Reprographics picking up my precinct letter.

Regardless, I heard a radio ad for Robert Kaempfe, 64th state representative district Democratic Party candidate challenging GOP incumbent Mike Tryon.

I guess it was STAR-105, because there was music playing before and after.

At any rate, Kaempfe told of his being a veteran, his union leadership position, how he was “leading by example” by installing solar panels http://www.mchenrycountyblog.com/2008/06/when-home-imrpovement-is-political.html on his home.

Although I only listen to radio while driving around and, then, only vary rarely 105.5, plenty of businesses and the post office play the station all day, so the ads may well have an unsettling effect on the new McHenry County Republican Party Chairman.

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Found in the hall together were 64th district State Rep. Mike Tryon and his Democratic Party opponent Robert Kaempfe. Tryon is on the left.

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