Personal PAC Smears Dan Duffy on Abortion

OK, so Republican state senate candidate Dan Duffy is pro-life.

So is the current Republican incumbent, Bill Peterson.

Is that any reason for the abortion zealots at Personal PAC to lie about Duffy’s position?

Personal PAC sent out the mailing you see below saying Duffy wants to put women who have abortion in jail.

A complete lie.

“I would never in a million years want a woman put in jail for having an abortion,” Duffy told Daily Herald reporter Bob Susnjara.

Here are the parts of the mailing. First the front and the address sides:

Next the back of the mailing:

Here’s what I think was inside before unfolding further. You could see it on the right and the part to the left of the “VO” at the bottom when the piece is first opened:

Below is what is on the inside. The left two-thirds, then most of the right one-third.

Do they look fair to you?

They do not look fair to me.

In fact, they look despicable.

But that’s the caliber of Democrat Bill Gentes biggest special interest contributor.


Personal PAC Smears Dan Duffy on Abortion — 1 Comment

  1. I don’t believe people are characterized as abortion zealots. Your stand is either pro-choice or pro-life. Many pro-lifers do not believe in abortion, but do believe it is the woman’s choice, not government’s dictation.
    Duffy wants to make abortions illegal…or does he….depending on what group he is addressing, sometimes he is pro-choice and sometimes he is pro-life. Just another panderer.

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