Jack Franks Makes New York Times

The subject, of course, was impeachment.

Here’s the part of the article about State Rep. Jack Franks (D-Marengo):

“State Representative Jack D. Franks, a Democrat of McHenry County who is chairman of the House State Government Administration Committee, said in an interview on Friday:

‘I don’t think the judiciary should be telling the executive branch what to do. We’ve got to make sure we do it right. And no matter how loathsome this governor is, we cannot trample on our constitution.’”

Franks is making the argument I would make.

Supreme Court, butt out.

The mention is contained in an article about Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s petitioning the Illinois Supreme Court to relieve Governor Rod Blagojevich of duties mentioned in the criminal complaint that led to his early Tuesday morning arrest.

The article also mentions Franks bill to prohibit a governor from appointing a United States Senator, “if the governor has been arrested, charged, or indicted for a felony offense” and the case isn’t settled.

There is no mention in the article of Tom Cross’ House Republicans’ filing of a resolution calling for the establishment of an impeachment investigation committee.

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State Rep. Jack Franks can be seen on top and State Rep. Tom Cross on the bottom.

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