UNICOM-ARC Hits Up Local Taxpayers Again

Last month I looked with dismay at tonight’s proposal to hire St. Louis-based tax hike preparation experts UNICOM-ARC.

These folks come into tax districts like Carpentersville District 300 or Woodstock District 200 and prepare the way for higher taxes.

At Thursday night’s meeting, the McHenry County College Board seems ready to sign them up, albeit for a somewhat lesser amount than was suggested last month.

Take a look at the details (click to enlarge), if you’d bothered with spending taxpayers’ money to soften up the public for a tax hike or bond referendum.

What’s the money officially for?

“McHenry County College has an opportunity to receive community input and feedback through a formalized community engagement program.

“The goals for this effort include providing more detailed information about MCC to the community at large, and collaborating with community members to gather input that will help inform the College as it revises its strategic plan and sets a strategic vision for the future.

“The engagement program will have an initial proposed timeframe of 14 months. Expected components of the engagement program include organizing a community-led facilitating committee, conducting opinion research, hosting information sessions for the community, and leading workshops to gather community input.”

That’s bureaucratize for

“soften up the voters for a tax hike or a bond referendum.”

Here’s my prediction for a 2010 MCC referendum.

And, if it really disturbs you, why don’t you run for the McHenry County College Board.

Goodness knows, it probably has made the most expensive mistake in the past year or so with its baseball stadium proposal.

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