Pam Althoff Telephone Town Meeting Discusses Income Tax Hikes

A friend of mine took the time to listen in and participate on State Senator Pam Althoff’s telephone Town Meeting last week.

Here is the summary:

Was on the line with our rep Pam Althoff in town hall meeting.

She was floating reaction to 1, 2 or 3% increase in income tax.

Some on the call supported a 1% increase, most didn’t, but one who did said we should increase it until we paid our debts and then reduce it back.

They really don’t get it.

I got on, said before any increases we expect them to cut programs. Unfortunately, I didn’t have attached to reference some specific examples.

I emailed Pam and asked if she really referred to a one percentage point increase in the state income tax as a 1% increase, but, so far, have gotten no response.

These story is relevant to the inaccuracy of calling a one percentage point increase a 1% increase. See

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The photo of Illinois State Senator Pam Althoff was taken at a Crystal Lake Kiwanis meeting. Kiwanis meets the second and fourth Wednesdays at noon at Crystal Lake’s Colonial Cafe. Newcomers are welcome.

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