Dark Time

The new town of Campton Hills is putting advisory questions on the ballot and not for the usual reason.

Most municipalities put advisory questions on the ballot to keep opponents from putting their own advisory question to referendum.

Campton Hills didn’t do that. In fact, the village mothers and fathers waiting until the last day to authorize the advisory referendums just in case citizen-initiated questions came in.

One question inspired the title of this article.

It asks whether there should be an ordinance to regulate excessive and unnecessary lighting within the village limits.

I am sure people driving toward Crystal Lake, especially those coming from the west and north, are amazed at the light pouring up from the city.

Think how much more obvious the town will be with red and white strobe lights running up and down BMB Communications Management’s 1,500 foot broadcast tower.

I wonder when environmentalists in McHenry County will start worrying about light pollution.

= = = = =

The free standing tower you see on the left is on Interstate 43 in Wisconsin near Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Compare what it looks like with what BMB Communications Management presented the McHenry County College Board on February 19th.

I wonder why they don’t look similar.

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