Obama Supporters Object to My Sense of Humor

Yesterday there were four Barack Obama supporters among the hundreds who showed up to the TEA Parties in Crystal Lake and Cary.

The two standing on the traffic island at the main corner in Cary were proud members of the IBEW. I observed,

“There were two misplaced Obama supporters standing on the traffic island next to the railroad crossing. They were electricians whom I suppose were not working on tax payment day.”

Regular reader and commenter Rusrus quoted that part of the article in his comment, the rest of which follows:

“As opposed to the hundreds of Obama non-supporters who were working on tax payment day? I’m sorry, I don’t really get your Obama/working reference. Are you inferring that Obama supporters out protesting on a weekday are NOT working, but others out protesting on a weekday ARE working?

“Or is this just another ham-handed attempt at your anti-Democratic humor?

“I’m sure the teabaggers have a better idea, right? Oh, no taxes? What a good idea – we can pay the bills of the country with racist epithets.”

As I mentioned in my reply to his comment, humor apparently doesn’t work in blogging anymore than it did when I was in elective office.

A second commenter, “Joe,” agreed with Rusrus:

“Yeah Cal I must concur- Not only is the ‘not working’ jab hypocritical it makes no sense- none of these people are working. And you catch yourself in a lie- didn’t an earlier ‘invitation’ say that everyone was welcome? So what made these two misplaced?”

There were two other Obama supporters (seen above) at the Crystal Lake rally, but they couldn’t stick around after putting up the two signs downstream (seen below) from the hundreds of demonstrators.

One says,

Republicans must
think Americans
are stupid!

The other focuses on FOX News, surely the more effective critic of the Obama Administration:

think Americans
are stupid!

I suspect that the Libertarians present would have insulted by being left out, if they had seen the sign.

The two said they had to get back to work. Perhaps that is what triggered my comment on the two Obama supporters in Cary. There was a stack of the signs in the back of their vehicle.

I asked if they minded my taking their picture for McHenry County Blog and they said I could, asking if they could provide a comment. You see it below:

Above you can see what they wrote. The commenter did say I might have to check out the spelling of “duoshe.” Spell check tells me he is correct.

Checking further, I find the question,

“Do you mean douche bag?”

Here is the message these Team Obama members wanted you to read:

“I came to see tea bags, but all I saw was duoshe bags!

“Team Obama”

I am perplexed at this end of Rusus’ comment:

“I’m sure the teabaggers have a better idea, right? Oh, no taxes? What a good idea – we can pay the bills of the country with racist epithets.”

The guy on Route 14 waving at the camera above certainly appears to be Latino. (Click to enlarge any photo.)

And I know the guy holding the little sign in Algonquin is Latino. He’s Pete Castillo and used to be my legislative assistant.

That is an official TEA Party sign he is holding

I suspect that the man of color holding this sign below might take offense.

The homemade stenciled, multi-colored sign says,


This color blind guy is not even going to try to reproduce the colors on his sign. Note the pistol next to the line “YEP SHOT IN THE HEAD.”

The first stories on McHenry County’s three TEA Parties can be found at the links below:

Noon TEA Party Biggest Demonstration in McHenry County History at Route 14 and Main Street

Algonquin Area Residents TEA Party on Route 62

TEA Party Moving Down to Cary


Obama Supporters Object to My Sense of Humor — 2 Comments

  1. This shouldn’t be painted as a partisan event. It wasn’t intended to be partisan, and it wasn’t partisan. No party should or can claim credit for it. It’s about the point, not the party. I was at the downtown version. One of the best signs I saw proclaimed “Republicans suck too!” It’s not anti-Obama, it’s anti-big government.

    I also got a big kick listening to progressive radio today, AM 820. The lunchtime host kept talking about how few people participated, and it was all a Fox Noise orchestration, and how most of the country disagrees with the protesters’ points. Yet the turkey spent at least his first two segments completely dedicated to talking about the nationwide tea parties. Yesterdays tea parties got peoples’ attention.

    And if anyone doesn’t think this is grass roots, take a look at the pictures Cal posted. The pro-tax signs were pre-fab and professionally done. Some organization must have paid for their printing and distribution. Riff and Raff holding the Obama-Biden signs didn’t print those on their HP Deskjets. Nearly all the “anti-tax” signs were clearly homemade and not some corporate or political party handout. The same was true downtown, about 10 times amplified. The only astroturfers are the pro-tax big government crowd. 95% of the Tea Parties were clearly grass roots.

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