Rod Blagojevich Pulls a George Ryan

This cartoon of JimRod, the Two-Headed Chicken, was appropriate in 2002 when Rod Blagojevich and Jim Ryan refused to debate me in front of the Illinois League of Women Voters. The Blagojevich part of the chicken drawing surely fits Blagojevich's decision not to testify in his corruption trial. What caption would you put in the ballon over Rod's head?

Remember all the publicity that George Ryan would testify at his corruption trial.

Rod Blagojevich is apparently following the same play book.

Ryan didn’t take the witness stand.

Now, the Chicago Tribune reports Blagojevich won’t either.


This Chickenman isn’t the Dick Orkin hero those of us who listened to on WLS radio in the late 1960’s remember.

And, for good reason.

Why does this quote from Abraham Lincoln come to mind?

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

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