Will November See Working Democrats Voting Against Who Run the Party?

With independents breaking strongly for Republicans this year, will there be a second wave from working Democrats who probably disappointed with President Barack Obama’s and his Democratic Party Congress’ lack of success in things economic?

Will working Democrats cast a “you betrayed us” vote to party leaders who focused on everything but producing real jobs?

That’s a question that has yet to be asked around the country.

Independents have very largely figured out that Obama Democrats (are there any other type with a backbone?) scammed them in 2008.

And this year?

Liberal Dem Melissa Bean, for example, won’t debate Joe Walsh.

She’s hiding her lamp under a basket.

So much for her being willing to discuss the issues in a public forum.

If a candidate is unwilling to defend his or her record, what conclusion would you draw?

In years past, the Northwest Herald has flexed it journalistic muscle to insist on debates.  It last did so four years ago.

Not so this year.

Come in and we’ll tape an interview is the replacement.

No embarrassing questions from the public get asked in such a setting.

That helps keep Bean in office.

Come to think of it, why wouldn’t a newspaper insist on public debates by Bean and Walsh?

It would be great theater.

And where is the League of Women Voters, the sponsors of candidate debates in years past?

Seen on the McHenry County College stage are, from left to right, David McSweeney, Bill Scheurer, Melissa Bean and Chris Krug.

Maybe both the newspaper and the League know someone like Bean would not fare very well against Walsh, who has a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the University of Chicago.

Bean surely did not do well against David McSweeney and Bill Scheurer four years ago in her pre-Labor Day debate at McHenry County College.

Joe Walsh

That’s the same stage on which Joe Walsh wowed many in the Patriots United 8th District Republican candidates’ forum last Thanksgiving Week.

Bean’s people have undoubtedly seen tapes of the debate and decided to shelter their candidate from losing another debate.

A potential defense for her voting record could be that

  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who held a San Francisco fund raiser for Bean, and
  • Rahm Emanuel, who reportedly sent in Chicago Hired Truck “volunteers” to work for Bean the first time around,

made her cast all of those awful votes.

A variation on “the Devil made me do it” defense.

Working Democrats got the shaft from Obama liberals like Bean.

Why wouldn’t they vote against folks like her, people who are driving the country broke without producing enough jobs?

Is Democratic Party loyalty to the elitist ultra-liberals who haven’t had to cut back on their weekly brie and fine wine that important to working Democrats?

Somehow I doubt it.

Democrats in Washington have revealed themselves to be the Party of ultra-liberals, union bosses and single-issue partisans…out of touch with the “common man” their candidates claim to represent on the stump.


Will November See Working Democrats Voting Against Who Run the Party? — 7 Comments

  1. If Ms. Bean doesn’t want to listen to the voters, maybe they should “shout” to get her attention – by voting her out of office.

    Enough with the “I’m in and you can’t get me out.” and “I won’t listen.” concept of politics. Yes, the voters CAN get people out. Show up at the polls and speak to the machine instead of crabbing about it at home on the couch.

  2. Gee, Cal, I didn’t know you had drunk so much of the Walsh “Kool-Aid” … I mean “Tea!” Why don’t you mention who really “won” that 2006 debate?

  3. It’s been a long time, Bill. Was it you or McSweeney?

    It certainly wasn’t Bean.

  4. Will Independents realize Republicans like Joe Walsh are trying to sell them a sack of something that smells really bad, and doesn’t help anything grow?

    How many of Joe Walsh’s ex-campaign managers are suing him now?

  5. Bean has only a liberal voting to run on so a Kappel has to resort to personal smears in the hope voters won’t notice how Bean has done nothing to create jobs in the SIX years she’s been in office.

    Bean did nothing to prevent a housing collapse while sitting on the House financial services committee and went on a spendaholic wasteful spending spree.

  6. At least Walsh understands the concept of a “Representative”. In her rare appearances, she tries to lecture us about her imagined legislative accomplishments on our behalf. We’re just not smart enough to appreciate them, and should shut up and be grateful for her wisdom.

    If she won’t stand up and defend her record and intentions to us, why should anyone believe that she will look out for our interests in Congress? Regardless of your party preference or policy views, does she listen to you? Or does she listen to the PACs and party leaders outside of this district or state who fund her campaign? She gets little money from here, but just did another high-priced DC fundraiser with lobbyists today.

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