Reapportionment Nightmare

Congresswoman Marguerite Stitt

McHenry County was represented until after the 1962 election by Marguerite Stitt Church.

She lived in Evanston and succeeded her husband Ralph when he died in 1950.

Next came Robert McClory, who held office until re-apportionment in 1982, when he was thrown into the same district as John Porter and declined to seek re-election.

Most of McHenry County (Dennis Hastert had Coral Township) was represented by Phil Crane from 1973 through 1992, less after the 1992 reapportionment when he split the county with Don Manzullo.

When Crane lost to Melissa Bean in 2004, she shared the county with Manzullo.

Now it is Joe Walsh and Manzullo.

With reapportionment coming up this spring and Illinois Democrats in complete control due to the lose of Republican Bill Brady in the governor’s race, fanciful maps are being devised to reverse the GOP congressional gains of 2010.

Below is one of the more fanciful. It is from the Swing State Project web site and would again have Evanston resident Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky representing McHenry County.

A reapportioned map that would make Evanston U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky the congresswoman for most of McHenry County.

Having served with her, I can tell she is one of the most liberal politicians I have ever met.


Reapportionment Nightmare — 7 Comments

  1. Why would Schakowsky go from a safe district to one in which she could be defeated?

    She has too much inside clout to allow this to happen.

    Which means it ain’t gonna happen.

  2. These districts have been drawn to allow Democrats to be re-elected.

  3. Hey Cal

    Why don’t you run against Jack for State Rep. You have a good following on here. You can do it.

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