Jack Franks’ Tax Cap Firework

"Oooh. Ahhh," real estate taxpayers will sigh as they contemplate a lower property tax bill next year when Jack Franks' legislation files out of the Illinois House this week.

That’s “firework.” Singular.

Jack Franks

In order to give cover to House Democrats who voted to hike state income taxes by 67%, House Speaker Mike Madigan is going to allow Jack Franks to have the spotlight one day this week.

One bill.

A big one, if it becomes law.

Franks will be allowed to call House Bill 3793.

That’s his Property Tax Cap modification bill that will prevent tax districts from increasing the amount billed taxpayers last year, if assessed valuation is decreasing. The technical term for this number, which is set by County Clerks, is the “extension.”

All the hopes brought forth by the publicity over Jack Franks' bill will amount to nothing after Franks' Democratic Party colleagues in the Senate let his tax relief bill die an ingnominious death.

The bill will fly out of the House like a rocket off the launching raft on Crystal Lake on the 4th of July.

And then it will die away like the phosphorus and other chemicals exploded during an Independence Day celebration.

There will be no vote in the Illinois State Senate.

Nothing will be left but smoke.

Local tax districts will continue to ask for as much money as they are allowed to request by law and our taxes will continue to increase, even though the value of our property is declining.

If there are elected officials on boards that levy taxes brave enough to go to taxpayers’ side, here’s my suggestion:

Move to amend your tax district’s levy to replace the suggestion from the employees or lawyers

(which undoubtedly will be crafted to bring in as many tax dollars as possible) with

the “amount the McHenry County Clerk extended last year.”

The specific number can be put in later.

You don’t really have to worry about not having the number.

Odds are good you won’t even get a second to your motion.

Once elected, almost all board members forget that they represent taxpayers.

And once again Springfield politicians will have done what they do best:

Raise expectations for constituents,
who will see them go up in smoke as local governmental tax districts prepare to burn through more recession-dimiinsished taxpayer dollars.

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