Althoff Decries Lack of Fiscal Restraint in State Budget, Up $300 Million

A press release from State Senator Pam Althoff:

Althoff: Budget continues to lack fiscal discipline

Pam Althoff

SPRINGFIELD, IL. – The Illinois budget passed on Thursday fails to impose the true and meaningful fiscal restraint needed to bring state finances in line, warns State Sen. Pamela Althoff (R-McHenry).

Instead, the new budget plan approved by the legislative majority spends $300 million more than the current budget, including funding for numerous programs that are unaffordable in the current tough fiscal climate.

“Right now, the General Assembly should be focusing on funding core state budget priorities, like classroom education and public safety.

“Unfortunately this budget includes millions of dollars for programs that have noble intentions, but aren’t very crucial to our state’s operations and infrastructure.”

Among the programs Althoff said should have been cut: “Grow Your Own Teachers,” an initiative that’s spent millions of dollars to graduate only 54 teachers since its inception, and the Neighborhood Recovery Initiative, which primarily benefits Chicago neighborhoods.

Althoff also took issue with the Senate Democratic majority’s last minute approval of a supplemental appropriation bill (Senate Bill 2365) that included $199 million in new spending above and beyond the budget passed by the Illinois House.

“This budget is full of misplaced priorities – at the same time it enacts steep Medicaid and frontline social services cuts, it continues funding to programs that aren’t very crucial to Illinois families,” Althoff said.

“Illinois taxpayers deserve better than this, and it’s unfortunate our current state leadership seems unwilling and unable to enact a budget that serves the best interest of all of our citizens.”


Althoff Decries Lack of Fiscal Restraint in State Budget, Up $300 Million — 3 Comments

  1. Boy, this sessions has aged Althoff.

    I think she is leaning a little to far to the LEFT.

    Or is she could be practicing thumbing a ride home with Chainsaw Jack.

  2. I wonder why they don’t talk about auditing all the state Departments to cut out waste.

    It might be because their friends drive State vehicles that aren’t marked so you don’t know what department they are out of.

    Because they aren’t from any department they get a State car at taxpayer expense.

    Next time you are on the road look at the licence plates of vehicles.

    See how many U plates you see.

    The U indicates a State vehicle.

    All DOT vehicles have T numbers and call signs you know where they come from with the DOT emblem on the side.

    The lottery, IDNR and DMV vehicles also have identification on them, where do these other vehicles go to or come from And why do they get taxpayer vehicles to drive anywhere they want.

    This is State Waste..

  3. News flash to Pam Althoff:

    The state is going broke because the Teachers, Police, and Public Service sectors (including elected officials) have PENSIONS and BEFEFITS we can’t afford.

    The reason Springfield can’t cut these is because almost all of you get donations from these same unions.

    Start by passing legislation eliminating all benefits to elected officials.

    Then end collective barganing and take a lession from Governor Walker in Wisconsin.

    Indiana, Wisconsin, and Ohio are getting there.

    This isn’t hard, Ms. Althoff.

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