Karen McConnauhay Opponent Libertarian Doug Marks: Opponents “Have Sufficient Objections against My Petitions to Exclude…Ballot Access”

Doug Marks

Below is an email from Carpenterbville Village Trustee Doug Marks.

He has filed 3,400 signatures to run for the State Senate on the Libertarian Party ticket against Republican primary winner Karen McConnaughay.

3,000 “good” ones are needed to make the ballot, so his margin was thin.

Today I received the following email from Marks:

Campaign Status

Well folks,

I apologize for the delay in sending out this correspondence but I wanted be sure that I was pursuing the right choice.

Though our efforts were exceptional, the parties in power who have created a matrix of failure for those who work outside their system, or are without financial independence, have used their exclusionary tactics to have sufficient objections against my petitions to exclude me from having ballot access. [Emphasis added.]

I don’t blame Karen or any of the GOP for using the system they put into place to exclude candidates that can beat the insider, pay 2 play, big government types but if Illinois expects to be a prosperous place to live these antics have to be ended.

After spending the past week pondering whether I should mount a write-in candidacy I still have not reached a decision. Just to put it out there, I am still willing to move forward with this campaign even though, without ballot access, the effort required has changed dramatically.

If there is the financial will to support this campaign I will move it forward.

To that, I estimate that I will require, at a minimum, commitments that will exceed $50k from those who wish this fight to reclaim our state to continue.

To date, I have received commitments for less than 1/3 of that which will not suffice.

So folks, the ball is in your court.

If I move forward or just walk away rides entirely upon the liberty minded individuals who will financially support the required advertising campaign I will need to become successful in November.

If you want this campaign to continue, contact me with your pledge or go directly to the campaign website’s donation link. The finality of this campaign will be determined by July 31st 2012.

Thank you,

Doug Marks
Libertarian Candidate
33rd Senate District of Illinois


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Marks has a blog here.

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