Peter Breen Introducing Resolution in Support of “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day”

Peter Breen speaking in Crystal Lake.

With some Chicago Alderman Proco “Joe” Moreno asserting his apparent right to veto zoning changes in his ward (is that an invitation to corruption or what?), Lombard Village Trustee Peter Breen is introducing a Chick-Fil-A appreciation resolution.

His press release is below:

Lombard Trustee Breen to Introduce Resolution in Support of “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day”

Breen invites businesses forced out of Chicago due to their sincerely held beliefs to relocate to Lombard

LOMBARD, IL—Lombard Trustee Peter Breen, Chairperson of the Village’s Economic & Community Development Committee, will introduce a resolution at the committee’s meeting on Tuesday, July 31, calling for support of “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day,” scheduled for August 1, in response to recent actions against the restaurant chain by City of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Alderman Proco “Joe” Moreno.

This week, Ald. Moreno, supported by Mayor Emanuel, announced that he would refuse to permit a new Chick-fil-A in his city ward due to statements in support of traditional marriage attributed to and confirmed by Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy.

Chick-fil-A opened a new restaurant in Lombard earlier this year as part of a long-planned expansion into the Chicagoland market.

“Opposite the intolerant ‘values’ espoused by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, our values in Lombard are pro-business, pro-jobs, and pro-freedom,” said Breen.

“We uphold the constitutional rights of free speech and freedom of religion of our residents and business people alike.

“Lombard is open for business.

“If Chicago is going to expel outstanding businesses like Chick-fil-A because of their leaders’ deeply held beliefs on issues of public importance, we will invite those businesses to invest and bring their economic benefits to our community.”

Chick-fil-A had already received zoning approval for a restaurant in the 2500 block of North Elston Avenue in Chicago.

“However, Ald. Moreno exercised ‘aldermanic privilege’ to deny Chick-fil-A permission to divide the property there, which will prevent the company from purchasing an out lot near the Home Depot already on the site.

“ldermanic privilege is a Chicago tradition that allows aldermen near-absolute control over zoning issues in their wards.

“From an economic standpoint, the timing couldn’t be worse for this abuse of dubious authority.

“The U.S. Constitution and Illinois law forbid government officials from discrimination based on a person’s sincerely held religious beliefs,” said Breen.

“We have a word for religious intolerance in this country: bigotry.

“And, in this case, it’s illegal.”

The Economic & Community Development Committee will consider the “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” resolution at its next scheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 31, at 7 p.m., in the Community Room of the Lombard Village Hall.

= = = = =

Chic-Fil-A will be opening a restaurant in Crystal Lake on Route 14 east of Route 31 on August 9th.


Peter Breen Introducing Resolution in Support of “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” — 14 Comments

  1. Chick-Fil-A vs. Chicago

    With all the violence going on in the world there is one controversy,
    And it is not about an Alderman’s or Chicago Mayor’s idiosyncrasy,
    It has to do with all pertinent things notwithstanding, a Chick-Fill-A,
    The denial of opening an eatery because of what the owner had to say.

    Mind you, this is Chicago where gang violence is on par with Iraq,
    Going to public school is like Afghanistan as you might come back,
    Certified dead, not from RPG’s or IED’s but from gunshot wounds,
    7 year-old Heaven Sutton killed selling lemonade was way too soon.

    Rham Emanuel lashed out at thugs responsible, “Who raised you?”

    Well, actually Mr. Mayor, the exact same question is proposed too,
    For your agreeing with Alderman Proco “Joe” Moreno on this ban,
    As company President Dan Cathy agrees with God & not with man.

    “Chick-Fil-A values are not Chicago values,” this mayor has said,
    I should hope so, imagine eating chicken fingers ending up dead,
    While drug transactions, car jacking & all felonies continue to rise,
    I’ve never heard of death by gunshot for not turning over your fries.

    16 year-old Shakaki Aspy sitting on her porch, shot thrice in her chest,
    If this was on the battlefield in a war zone, maybe a bulletproof vest?

    Also shot was Leon Cunningham 18, who had been wounded before,
    Already confined to a wheelchair no longer able to walk out the door.

    First Amendment concerns aren’t being violated yet zoning is not a right,
    However, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is,” so why the fight?

    Anyone who finds quoting the bible offensive may they not eat elsewhere?

    Mr. Mayor, Mr. Alderman aren’t there more serious issues for you to care?

  2. I will be there to support them at the new Crystal Lake restaurant!

  3. “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

    Definition of Liberty: “The state of being free within society from OPPRESSIVE RESTRICTIONS imposed by authority on one’s way of life.”

    It is a violation of the posterity’s liberty by this cruddy chicken company in the sense that they impose their way of life, which happens to be upon the LGBT community – directly violating the constitution of the United States.

    The “Gay Agenda” is merely the Constitution of the United States, which Tea Baggers and Right wingers alike seems miss the point when the idea behind a Gay Agenda is brought up.

    This is the last frontier of civil rights – like Dr. King’s marches, like Ghandi’s Passive Protest.

    Using Religion, as many zealots do, in order to discriminate is despicable.

    The bigots are those who discriminate then claim to be Christian. The bigots are those who lampoon with phrases like “abomination” when it’s an abomination to eat pork, or lobster.

    Maybe it will take a generation for the idea of “liberty and justice for all” as in our pledge of allegiance to take hold in the hearts and minds of Americans. Until then, keep discriminating and being divisive y’ll an’ Njoy ur chikin.

  4. Dear Tonya,

    No one cares what you have to say.

    You are a Tea Party yokel.

    Add that to your list of aliases including Hobbit.

    Your Manchurian Candidacy failed.

    Why didn’t you run in the primary?

    Keep up the good fight though.

    The Northwest Herald needs more juicy headlines featuring your facebook laden with racial epithets and divisive speech.

  5. The fact that the Alderman that represents Boys town and an area that has a high gay population is not willing to make an exception for a company that is openly anti-gay… I don’t see that as a swipe at the Constitution as much supporting your constituents.

    Interesting that the press release says this is religious intolerance=bigotry.. Hysterical.

    I would say that resembles the pot calling the kettle chartreuse.

  6. See you at Chick-Fil-A on opening day.

    Thanks for coming to McHenry County.

    Sure hope Rahm and Proco stay home.

  7. So you have a right to be gay but we do not have a right to be straight.

    May I have the names of all of the gay restaurants and bars so that I can tell them they cannot be there?


  8. Obviously you must care what I have to say….you couldn’t resist reading my comment and replying. I have no aliases, unlike yourself, I have nothing to hide.

    Those aliases that you are referring to as racial epithets and divisive speech…..were not my words, they were names that people like you call others when you have a difference of opinion.

    I don’t call myself or others names.

    I merely used what others had called Patriots who are trying to make a difference to make a point.

    I can see from your comment, I made my point.

    Have a blessed and beautiful weekend.

  9. Oh, my. It seems the trolls really got scared and came in here to spout off.

    Note to Cal and Tonya: Don’t let the rat bastards get you down.

    Stand in the truth (as always) and keep up the good work.

  10. Pro-business, pro-jobs, and pro-freedom. Anti-video gambling.

  11. As the Supreme Court of the United States has allowed for legal marriage between homosexuals, history will show that businesses supporting anti gay policies were the intolerant ones.

    History will show that the intolerance stands not with the communities that would not support discrimination, but instead with businesses that claim a religious cause for their decisions.

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