Walsh Wonders Why Duckworth Doesn’t Bite the Hand that Feeds Her Campaign

Joe Walsh

A press press from Congressman Joe Walsh:

Where is Tammy Duckworth on Super PACs Now?

Earlier today, the George Soros funded House Majority PAC along with the SEIU announced they will spend $2.4 million on negative ads attacking Congressman Joe Walsh.

This is one of the largest Super PAC buys in American History.

It also marks the 4th outside group helping Ms. Duckworth:

  • Credo Super PAC,
  • J-Street and
  • Planned Parenthood Action

have all spent resources against Walsh.

Congressman Walsh stated, “It looks like Ms. Duckworth’s time spent cozying up to the liberal elites in New York and California and not people the 8th district has literally paid off for her campaign.

“The SEIU along with the George Soros backed House Majority PAC are spending $2.4 million in negative attacks against me.

“These big government, tax and spend liberal groups are making their down payment on their rubber-stamp for the Nancy Pelosi agenda by attempting to buy this seat for Ms. Duckworth.”

“I find it odd though that Ms. Duckworth has been so silent since the announcement of this buy,” Walsh continued.

“When outside groups support my vision of lower taxes, less spending and more freedom, Ms. Duckworth slams Super PACs.

“Yet, she has remained silent on CREDO Super PAC, which has been in the district attacking me since April, and she expresses no outrage over this historic ad buy.”

Walsh concluded, “This desperation move by George Soros and the SEIU shows only one thing — the elite liberals are getting nervous about this race.

“They’re learning what I have known all along, and that is our message of lower taxes, smaller government and less regulation is resonating among voters in the 8th.

“At the same time, the more voters learn about Ms. Duckworth, they are troubled by her big government and higher taxes on small businesses.

“That message scares my opponent, and this ad buy proves once again that they will do, say or spend anything to win this seat.”


Walsh Wonders Why Duckworth Doesn’t Bite the Hand that Feeds Her Campaign — 1 Comment

  1. Hypocrite.

    I guess Anderson and Hultgren won’t debate or what?

    Any news about that Congressional race?

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