Religious Freedom Rally against Obamacare Mandates at Woodstock Courthouse Noon Saturday

The poster I received says that folks are gathering again this Saturday at the Woodstock Courthouse to support religious freedom.  It is focused on Obamacare’s mandate to provide services found unacceptable by the Catholic Church.

The print on the poster is small, so click on the image to enlarge it.


Religious Freedom Rally against Obamacare Mandates at Woodstock Courthouse Noon Saturday — 5 Comments

  1. What does this have to do with religious freedom.

    Didn’t God give us freewill?

    If your religious conviction is not to use contraception, then don’t use it.

    Even Romney proclaimed the other night that contraceptions should be available to ALL women.

  2. You must be some kind of an idiot LC.

    We are ALL FORCED to pay for something that many believe goes against God’s will.

    How is that any kind of an answer to this onslaught!

    Cal, I think you may be dealing with a thirteen year old troll here.

    No one can be that obtuse!

  3. The problem with the HHS mandate is it requires employers such as churches to provied and pay for something that is diametrically opposed to a basic tenants of a church’s teachings.

    For instance, The Catholic Church teaches that life begins at conception and that anything that interfers with that natural order is intrinsically evil.

    As such the HHS mandate will force the Catholic Church to offer as a benefit to its employees somethign it condems. Religious Liberty if it exists ought ot extinguish this mandate.

    Moroever, the HHS mandate commnads payment for the termination of life when a baby is born in the act of an abortion. That is murder as traditionally defined in our society.

    The problem that LC has is that LC fails to recognise what it is that is claimed as a choice.

    Is it a choice to kill human life? isn’t it murder to kill human life?

    What is it that you are choosing? Murder?

    Intellectually define what the purported choice is that you are advocating.

    I suggest that if you honestly explore that question you will understand why there is such outrage over this law.

    Freewill has its limitations otherwise there would be no room to legislate anything.

    Freewill allows us to elect to commit sin and to intentionally do something that is intrisically evil. However, in the histroy of the United States, I do not beleive that the restrictions previoulsy placed on our freewill there has ever been a law commanding us to do evil.

    This is why Obamacare is a religious freedom and religious liberty issue.

    In short, Obamacare is an affront to our fundamental liberties and our constitutional rights.

    I suggest that you read the booko the Right to be Wrong by Kevin Hesson.

    His book explores the history of religious liberty in the US and the origins of the First Amendment protection.

  4. Most of what the Federal Government does are violations of our liberties they are outside the powers delegated to it in the US Constitution.  

    Unfortunately the principles of that compact, the 50 State governments, are derelict in their duty to enforce the contract as they as been bought off with “boatloads of Federal money.”

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