Democrat’s, Beaubien’s Signs Survive on the Right-of-Way in Fox River Grove

When a village decides there are to be no political signs on the rights-of-way of their streets, it should not be surprised if people see if there is a partisan angle.

Today McHenry County Blog shows two examples in the neighborhood of Fox River Grove’s castle of signs of Democrats that somehow have escaped the notice of both the Public Works Department and the Police Department.

This one should be easy to find. Independent Dee Beaubien’s signs are joined by those of Democratic Party State Senate candidate Amanda Howland and

Here’s another one for the Demcoratic Party candidate for State Senate:

The pro-abortion candidate for State Senate’s sign is next to one distributed in Catholic Churches, avowedly a Pro-Life institution.

Now why might the village employees leave standing signs for a Democrat and an Independent backed ever so heavily by Democratic Party Chairman Mike Madigan?

Perhaps the signs in front of Fox River Village President Robert Nunamaker might provide an explanation.

Fox River Grove Village President Robert Nunamaker’s front yard has signs for President Barack Obama and Dee Beaubien. His are not in the right-of-way.


Democrat’s, Beaubien’s Signs Survive on the Right-of-Way in Fox River Grove — 1 Comment

  1. Another example of “selective enforcement”.

    The more laws / ordinances passed by local governments, the more opportunity for selective enforcement.

    The current federal administration has set the bar.

    At the federal level we even have “selective” use of the Constitution.

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