Diane Evertsen Critiques Ryan Heuser’s Jack Franks’ Endorsement Post Card

An email from District 6 McHenry County Board member and candidate Diane Evertsen:

New funny mailer!

Ryan Heuser, the Democrat whose mailing is critiqued.

Hi! Just when you begin to think elections and candidates can’t possibly get any dumber, hold on to your hat because they sure can!

I thought I’d give all of you a heads up on this episode of “Cook County comes to McHenry County” and hope you’ll pass this email along to your friends and neighbors here in District 6.

Case in point is the mailer from a County Board candidate in District 6 who has been kind enough to target me and Ersel Schuster in his last minute hit piece.

It’s always much more fun to send these types of mailings out at the eleventh hour so that your target can’t have an opportunity to disprove your information, or in this case misinformation.

These are the same folks who want to talk about integrity in government; all the rest of us have to do is explain to them what that means.

And it is curious, isn’t it, that Ersel and I are the only targets?

The two candidates who have an actual RECORD of voting for lower tax rates and stopping salary increases!

This sleazy piece of campaign ‘literature’ is so full of fantasy it should qualify for time on Grimm.

At least Ryan Heuser used decent photos of Ersel Schuster and Diane Evertsen.

Endorsed by Jack Franks, this poor soul can’t spell my name but accuses me of being a “career politician” after serving on the County Board for 23 months; I guess he’s a believer in very short careers.

Other funny fallacies include

  • “Work 10 hours a week” (don’t I wish!),
  • “raised their salaries three times, increased their pensions and receive health care benefits” (sorry, but I haven’t been on the board long enough to do anything three times and I certainly don’t take their health insurance as most of you already know),
  • “Raised our property taxes over the past 10 years. . .” (earth to candidate: I haven’t even been there for 10 years!),
  • “Give themselves (I’m assuming he refers to me and Ersel Schuster) hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of benefits” (Really? Seriously? And this is coming from an adult man who we should trust to make decisions on our behalf? “Hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of benefits” PUH-LEESE!! Now he’s just being silly. Let’s get real!)

Jack Franks

Jack states in his endorsement the candidate will work to balance the budget.


McHenry County has a balanced budget!!

Maybe Jack will vote against Madigan as speaker of the House and work to balance the State budget!

I’m voting for write-in Joe Rosner, a valid write-in running against Jack in this election.

The only honest statement on this fine example of falsehoods is that I oppose the Executive form of government, the pet project du jour of this candidate’s mentor.

Is there any connection between those dots and this hit piece?

Does give one pause to consider, doesn’t it?

As always, I invite you to contact me if you have any comments or questions.

Of course, if you can help me out and let me know what those “hundreds of thousands of dollars” in benefits are, that would be nice, too! In case you have not yet seen the piece, you can view it here

Thanks for your time and keep the Faith!


Diane Evertsen Critiques Ryan Heuser’s Jack Franks’ Endorsement Post Card — 2 Comments

  1. Yeah This guy sent me his mailer that he was endorsed by Jack Franks and I’m thinking to myself… Seriously Dude?

    Realized then he wouldn’t know I’m an anti Franks supporter because this guy has NEVER shown up to a Candidates forum… Thought about calling him and giving him an earful… Obviously he’s not threatened by Mary or Michelle…

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