Telephone Survey on McHenry County College’s Health Club

McHenry County College will soon look like this.

McHenry County College will soon look like this.

Tonight I answered a four-question survey about McHenry County College’s proposal to build a health club.

It was from an organization I have never heard of and I doubt exists.

I heard “McHenry County Better Government Organization.” Maybe I didn’t write it down accurately.

Regardless, if it exists as anything but a front group, I’d be surprised.

The questions were roughly the following:

  1. McHenry County College is proposing a multi-[?} expansion. If you are in favor, press one button, if not, another.
  2. McHenry County College is at 50% capacity. Should it be expanded? If you are in favor, press one button, if not, another.
  3. McHenry County is planning to build a health club. If you are in favor, press one button, if not, another.
  4. McHenry County College plans to pay for the health club by increasing tuition. If you favor having tuition increase, press one button, if no, another.

In one or more of the questions there was an “undecided” option.

The question in my mind is who would want to know that information.

There are lots of candidates running for the McHenry County College Board.

Some are vehemently opposed to building a health club (think Chris Jenner, Tom Wilbeck, Erik Sivertsen).

If they had this information, they could target those who answered the questions in the negative.


Telephone Survey on McHenry County College’s Health Club — 1 Comment

  1. If MCC plans to “build” and maintain a health club, it will – like all government agencies running such ventures – be a complete financial DISASTER. It would be a managerial failure and finacial loss to the taxpayer. This is a repeated mistake made by governmental-run beauracracies as they have no personal skin in the game. This is the law of economics. It would be a DISASTER if MCC were allowed to do this.

    However, IF MCC wants a successfully run health club on campus, the college should RENT space/land for a PRIVATE investor to do the exact same thing. MCC could negotiate special privelages for it’s students/faculty while allowing the private sector to build, run, and maintain a successful private adventure.

    This would be a WIN-WIN for the college campus, the faculty, the students, and the investor in the health club. It would virtually assure financial success of the health club and provide a quality health club to those who use it.

    Will MCC do this? NO. Why? Because the local politicians would lose control over the management and job distribution of the pet project. They would prefer a failed project, as long as they had control.

    This is why we should all be AGAINST this project as planned.

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