Finally, Somebody Mentions Jack Franks for Statewide Office

McHenry County Blog has chronicled the efforts of Marengo Democrat Jack Franks to get noticed by media talking about who is running for what statewide.

Balloon vender

Jack Franks is mentioned on the web site “Trial Balloon” as looking at running for Attorney General.

He was pretty successful during the summer of 2009 as a result of family and friends dumping big money into his campaign fund.

Although a big check was returned to his father Herb, Franks still has one of the biggest pots of money around–money that I sincerely doubt he could raise today with the $5,000 limit on individual contributions and $10,000 on corporations.

Jack Franks apparently has had enough of being State Representative.

Jack Franks apparently has had enough of being State Representative.

By way of Capitol Fax Blog, I found his name on a new web site, “Trial Balloons.”

It is there along with Attorney General Lisa Madigan (because she hasn’t said she won’t run for re-election) and a bunch of others:


  • Anita Alvarez
  • John Bradley
  • Tom Dart
  • Jack Franks
  • David Hoffman
  • Lisa Madigan
  • Kwame Raoul
  • Jesse Ruiz
  • Sheila Simon

Franks’ vote on same-sex marriage will probably be a good predictor of whether he is preparing for a statewide run.

He has been moving to the left as his time in office has increased and his ambitions have risen. He voted for civil unions and was featured in the Windy City Times presenting a certificate to gay teen who did something heroic in Zion (or nearby).

Five years or so ago he also modified his Pro-Choice views to be radical enough to be endorsed by Personal PAC. (Personal PAC is so radical that it will not endorse candidates who are not in favor of abortion up to the day of full-term delivery.)


Finally, Somebody Mentions Jack Franks for Statewide Office — 10 Comments

  1. I’d love to see Jack Franks as AG.

    Illinois is usually listed as a blue state state.

    Lisa Madigan is controlled by Daddy.

    Most the other contenders have deep roots in Chicago or Cook county.

    Jack is local talent and even though he is puts a D behind his name, he has learned that he must walk a fine line here in GOP territory.

    Some of the others we have are RINO’s owned by the teachers unions so what is the difference.

  2. Jack’s ambition and ego know no bounds.

    The only thing moderating him are his roots and need to be elected by the local community.

    If he runs for a statewide there are no such constraints and, in fact, there is a great deal of encouragement politically to move hard left.

    Jack will do what is necessary to both survive and thrive politically.

    He may live down the street from us but his heart isn’t remotely the same as the moderate to conservative leaning McHenry County natives.

    Anyone who can encourage murder on one hand and then put himself forth as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the State of Illinois has deep seated personal and professional issues needing psychiatric attention.

  3. What do you want?

    A hard right person with ZERO chance to win or someone that is moderate with a likely chance?

    We have a far left socialist president becuase the GOP could not get past some issues and look for a person that could win.

    The GOP hardliners will surely keep the left in power with single issue platforms.

  4. I have yet to get an answer on this question, and I’ve asked it a few times.

    If Jack Franks runs as a Democrat, what is his primary base?

    I’m pretty sure there isn’t a fiscal conservative, social moderate, Democratic primary base.

    What Democratic constituency, exactly, does he appeal to?

  5. **was featured in the Windy City Times presenting a certificate to gay teen who did something heroic in Zion (or nearby).**

    And seriously? This is one of your two examples of him moving to the left? I didn’t know that honoring a teenager for being a hero was a leftist thing.

    Here is the actual article:

    Please do tell how ANYTHING in that article says anything about Franks moving to the left?

    Or for you, is honoring a gay teenage a leftist thing, just because he is gay?

  6. Three examples of Franks’ leftward movement are his endorsement by Personal PAC (which opposed him when he first ran), his vote for the civil unions bill and the out-of-district honoring of the brave teen (of which there was no in-district coverage in his house organ, the Northwest Herald).

  7. You are making a false assumption, in my opinion, that he is a social moderate.

    Personal PAC does not endorse social moderates.

    Nevertheless, your basic question is a good one.

    Just what would his constituency be when one gets beyond his co-religionists?

  8. Jack is a social moderate.

    Lisa Madigan is in no way controlled by her STEP father- look at her record.

    I doubt Jack can take a swing at a state wide race.

    Limited support outside the county.

  9. **You are making a false assumption, in my opinion, that he is a social moderate.**

    Nope… not false.

    **Personal PAC does not endorse social moderates.**

    Personal PAC endorses on abortion. That is all. There are many other social issues.

    I guarantee you that no social liberal would describe Jack Franks as a social liberal.

    And a vote for a civil unions is a moderate vote these days, not a liberal one.

    **Three examples of Franks’ leftward movement are … the out-of-district honoring of the brave teen (of which there was no in-district coverage in his house organ, the Northwest Herald).**

    Once again – tell me what about this story has anything to do with any leftward movement.

    Your assertion is that Jack Franks only honored the brave teen because he was gay is silly, and completely unfounded.

    **when one gets beyond his co-religionists**


    So you’re saying that Jews are going to be his base constituency, just because Franks is Jewish?

  10. According to a Chicago Tribune article in the mid-1990’s, Personal PAC accepted money from a gay rights group and spent it in McHenry County.

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