Joe Walsh’s Thoughts on the Fulfillment of Dr. Martin Lurther King’s Deams

Some thoughts from Wednesday from former Congressman Joe Walsh that seems to have the raised the hackles of liberals:

My Own Dream for America

Today marks the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s iconic “I Have a Dream” speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you should know that today is the anniversary, as over the last week, every columnist, pundit and cable news host has been emphatically asking if Dr. King’s dream has been realized.

In the build-up to this momentous occasion, many people have invoked King’s legacy to promote their own various causes.

Yesterday, President Obama was asked by morning radio host Tom Joyner what King would think of Obamacare . The president quickly responded that King, “would like it.”

While our commander-in-chief usurped King’s dream to selfishly promote his own legacy, our country’s race-baiter-in-chief, Rev. Al Sharpton is using this week to push back against the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling to strike down parts of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

Of all the commentators who have been asking whether King’s dream has been achieved, FOX News’ Juan Williams seems to be the only one with whom I agree.

When asked by Chris Wallace if the dream has been fulfilled, Williams noted that there isn’t “any question that [African Americans] have come along way” before importantly pointing out that blacks have to address the problems that are created within their communities.

“I think that if you look at the realities of today, you’ve got to talk about things like family breakdown,” Williams said.

“You’ve got to talk about the fact that 70 percent of black children today are born out of wedlock. I think Dr. King would cry.”

I agree with Juan, but instead of invoking King’s legacy to lament about present problems I’ve decided to share my own dream.

Joe Walsh

Joe Walsh

I have a dream that all black parents will have the right to choose where their kids attend school.

I have a dream that all black boys and girls will grow up with a father.

I have a dream that young black men will stop shooting other young black men.

I have a dream that all young black men will say “no” to gangs and to drugs.

I have a dream that all black young people will graduate from high school.

I have a dream that young black men won’t become fathers until after they’re married and they have a job.

I have a dream that young unmarried black women will say “no” to young black men who want to have sex.

I have a dream that today’s black leadership will quit blaming racism and “the system” for what ails black America.

I have a dream that black America will take responsibility for improving their own lives.

I have a dream that one day black America will cease their dependency on the government plantation, which has enslaved them to lives of poverty, and instead depend on themselves, their families, their churches, and their communities.

I have a dream that all black parents will have the right to choose where their kids attend school.

I have a dream that all black boys and girls will grow up with a father.

I have a dream that young black men will stop shooting other young black men.

I have a dream that all young black men will say no to gangs and to drugs.

I have a dream that all black young people will graduate from high school.

I have a dream that young black men won’t become fathers until after they’re married and they have a job.

I have a dream that young unmarried black women will say no to young black men who want to have sex.

I have a dream that today’s black leadership will quit blaming racism and “the system” for what ails black America.

I have a dream that black America will take responsibility for improving their own lives.

I have a dream that one day black America will cease their dependency on the government plantation, which has enslaved them to lives of poverty, and instead depend on themselves, their families, their churches, and their communities.

Click here to listen to Joe deliver his “My Own Dream for America”.

– See more at:

If you want to agree or disagree with Walsh in person, he will be at McHenry County College in mid-September.  The details are below:

Saturday September 14th:
McHenry County College, Luecht Conference Center
8900 US Route 14
Crystal Lake, IL


Joe Walsh’s Thoughts on the Fulfillment of Dr. Martin Lurther King’s Deams — 11 Comments

  1. While the government couldn’t allow the law to enslave men it has been complicit in the economic enslavement of entire swaths of our society.

    There has been a steady program of planned genocide(Planned Parenthood created by the KKK and Margaret Sanger a known racist proponent of the extermination of all minorities, especially blacks) in the minority communities, planned dependency(The Great Society proposed and forwarded by one of the more vocal racists in the White House, Lyndon Johnson) and now the final push to divide the races through federal government policies which promote a lack of compassion for anyone.

    We are living in horrific times for the American Dream which Dr. Martin Luther King loved so dearly he gave his life to promote it.

    We are living in an age where the worst elements of society and humanity are promoted and edified by those who profit from the misery of others(never let a good crisis go to waste, Rahm Emmanuel).

    Amen Joe.

    We all need to fight for our brothers and sisters as we’ve all been taught by our core American ethic.

    Time to be done with horrible unAmerican crazies who only promote hate and actually really follow Dr. King’s dream of a loving society who creates the example the rest of the world may aspire to follow.

  2. Amen Priest . . . we need to educate real education to all the people.

  3. It is difficult to understand another man’s plight when you have not walked in their shoes.

    Mr. Walsh, you were born into privilege simply by virtue of the color of your skin.

  4. “Black America’s dependency on the government plantation!”

    Are you kidding me?

    If “Black Leadership” is blaming “racism” and “the system” for what ails “Black America,” maybe it’s because our former congressmen still make racist comments like those depicted here.

    Having fought against discrimination throughout my entire career as an attorney, I am seriously offended by Joe Walsh’s comments.

    Dr. Martin Luther King would have cringed at these statements.

    Walsh’s racist dream is an American nightmare.

    Just so everybody knows, this guy is supporting Bill Prim for McHenry County Sheriff!

  5. Jim, Since you appear to have an ax to grind with Joe Walsh’s statements regarding his wishes this week please be specific in what exactly you take issue with in his speech.

    Is it the wish for black children to enjoy what the children of privilege enjoy, a choice of schools to attend rather than the proven horror shows of schools they are forced to attend?

    Is it the wish for these same children to enjoy the company of both their parents rather than the government’s programs of separation through economics or allowing the horrors of drugs to kill or imprison their fathers for trying to earn a living?

    Is it the desire to see men and women of honor grow in the black community to positions of prominence and example rather than be the outcasts due to a white society who teaches them promiscuity is not only expected but consequence free?

    Jim, I might say someone who is running for public office of any type, and is an attorney no less, should be able to read and form a cogent argument pro or con rather than dissembling.

    Please share with us the enlightened positions you hold on the plight of our society, and minorities in specific, which differ so greatly from the ones Joe Walsh proposed you feel the need to say his “racist dream is a nightmare”.

  6. Thank you Priest, I see you know how to put …litter…in its place…


    I support some of what Joe says but I disagree with that over used term “Government Plantation.”

    His comment lends a racist tone where one should not be.

    When Joe states “I have a dream that one day black America will cease their dependency on the government plantation, which has ENSLAVED them to lives of poverty” the rhetoric connotes there IS enslavement.

    There is a great difference between enabling and enslaving.

    When 43% of ALL citizens do not pay any Federal income tax the do not have any “skin in the game” using the metaphor Obama loves to use. ( I’m a flat tax person but I digress)

    Democrats enable the welfare crowd by increasing the handouts and not limiting the time people can remain on welfare.

    We grow Welfare by giving out Obama Phones and rewarding the procreation of more children with higher welfare payments.

    Sen. Elbert Guillory does a nice job of explaining why the REPUBLICANS have been the party promoting equality while the DEMOCRATS have been the party trying to keep blacks dependent.

    At the close he quotes a famous REPUBLICAN leaders words “Free at Last, free at last, great God Almighty, we’re free at last.” Yes, a Republican.

    Oddly many followers of Dr. King have morphed his message into a perverted theme for democrats. “The Rev” Al Sharpton continually twist his words into words of hate toward whites.

    Joe may have an earnest message, but alienates many via his delivery.

  8. Do you all really think that a man like Joe Walsh should lecture anyone on responsibility?

    That a man who couldn’t give his own children a mother and a father should lecture others on the importance of doing just that?

    That a man who’s defaulted on his financial responsibilities as a parent and a borrower would have the chutzpah to scold anyone for irresponsible behavior is galling to say the least.

  9. This savvy politician and former US Representative who claim to have ambitions to again seeking public office is willing to exclude voters by expressing something that is quite dismissive of a group of our electorate and fellow citizen.

    The Conservative Victory Project on the other hand is trying to bring in more voters under the conservative umbrella by promoting and supporting viable candidates who is inclusive and willing to accept the many contentious social issues we have for a winning outcome.

    Footnote: Apart from the indigenous people on this land the American blacks may even be considered more American than us late-coming whites from Western Europe. During 1630 to 1850 about 12 million Africans were shipped to plantations here in the Americas while the great transatlantic migration of Europeans occurred during 1836 to 1916.

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