Most Township Boards Ask for Less or Same Amount of Taxes as Last Year

The new Dorr Township Hall just southeast of Route 47 at 1035 Lake Avenue.

The new Dorr Township Hall just southeast of Route 47 at 1035 Lake Avenue.

Townships are a much maligned form of local government.

Today we show you how much McHenry County’s seventeen townships will extract from pocketbooks this year compared to last year.

Extensions are the amount of taxes which are billed.  The tax cycle is always a year behind, so the 2013 extension will be collected in 2014.

The maximum increase under the Property Tax Cap law is the increase in the Cost of Living.  That was 1.5% for this tax year.  Real estate assessments on new growth may also be captured.

Note that the part of the township budget controlled by township boards decreased in six of the seventeen townships.

In four others the budget was the same as last year’s.

The Road District budget is totally controlled by the elected Road Commissioner.

In seven townships the road budget went down.

Five of twenty-one county school districts will get less money from property taxpayers this year than last.

Alden Town 125,590 117,138 -6.73%
Alden Road 162,592 166,536 2.43%
Algonquin Town 1,818,541 1,818,553 0.00%
Algonquin Road 3,989,082 4,048,931 1.50%
Burton Town 128,829 131,378 1.98%
Burton Road 157,931 161,054 1.98%
Chemung Town 175,429 178,449 1.72%
Chemung Road 387,649 367,828 -5.11%
Coral Town 110,596 110,596 0.00%
Coral Road 284,435 289,502 1.78%
Dorr Town 669,623 669,626 0.00%
Dorr Road 1,213,728 1,241,059 2.25%
Dunham Town 167,661 154,879 -7.62%
Dunham Road 356,358 343,786 -3.53%
Grafton Town 1,099,096 1,125,183 2.37%
Grafton Road 775,226 793,575 2.37%
Greenwood Town 432,067 438,551 1.50%
Greenwood Road 1,050,550 1,012,748 -3.60%
Hartland Town 168,120 167,856 -0.16%
Hartland Road 249,844 240,975 -3.55%
Hebron Town 143,210 134,505 -6.08%
Hebron Road 218,265 214,830 -1.57%
Marengo Town 299,000 304,001 1.67%
Marengo Road 496,964 480,793 -3.25%
McHenry Town 1,876,437 1,876,435 0.00%
McHenry Road 3,406,912 3,470,217 1.86%
Nunda Town 1,125,172 1,144,296 1.70%
Nunda Road 3,332,592 3,312,572 -0.60%
Richmond Town 262,771 268,887 2.33%
Richmond Road 488,129 499,475 2.32%
Riley Town 204,921 189,803 -7.38%
Riley Road 234,815 239,340 1.93%
Seneca Town 168,001 162,002 -3.57%
Seneca Road 266,054 270,727 1.76%


Most Township Boards Ask for Less or Same Amount of Taxes as Last Year — 10 Comments

  1. Grafton Township Town and Road gets the dubious award for taking the most money from its taxpayers.

    Where is the Tea Party?

    Its time to get this under control.

    It is never too soon to work on recruiting the next set of elected officials.

    Taxpayers deserve better!

  2. Some day people like Bob Anderson will get a grain of common sense and suddenly conclude that shutting down Townships in McHenry will INCREASE the cost to taxpayers.

    Just look at the salaries of County employees at MCDOT and MCCD and it is readily apparent they are at least 30 to 30 percent higher than Township salaries.

  3. My tax bill says that 1.7% of it goes to my Township.

    That’s $1.70 out of every hundred bucks.

    So WHEN is someone going to stand up and fight the SEVENTY-THREE PERCENT OF MY TAX BILL THAT GOES TO THE SCHOOLS???

  4. Just checked Township and County and I still don’t know how much I have to come up with by June 5th.

    It’s like a bonus Gov. aggravation, on the heels of the misery and coercion of Fed Tax compliance.

    ‘Connecting dots’ believes the more we have on the dole the cheaper it is.

    Funny stuff.

    Ok, so lets go with your bizarro view and lets do like Ct. did.

    Get rid of Township and County Gov.

  5. D.J.: Re: “the more we have on the dole the cheaper it is”


    Where did that come from?

  6. Grafton is probably adding new growth since that area has some additional construction happening.

    Same with Algonquin.

    Townships aren’t the problem

  7. The individual tax bills are being calculated by the County Treasurer.

  8. Re: Grafton has new growth and yet Grafton is the most greedy township in the county.

    New growth means more people can share the tax burden.

    The township officials are worried that taxpayers might actually have to pay less taxes because we have more people to pay their tax burden.

    Their best excuse is that we pay more taxes to school districts, so its okay to pay the township more money every year, year after year.

    Greedy tax bodies always have excuses to take more money out of our pockets.

    Enough, already.

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