Joe Walsh Rallies Walkers

Former Congressman Joe Walsh and his Walsh Freedom Exec Barb Babbey sent out the following email yesterday:

Dear Friend,

Here’s the deal: Illinois is a disaster. Democrats have run and ruined this state and Republicans have let them.

For way too long the Illinois Republican Party has simply gone along as the Democrats have turned Illinois into the most broke, most corrupt, least business-friendly state in the country.

Details of Joe Walsh's Day of Action, which will benefit McHenry County State Rep. candidate Joe Reick, among others.

Details of Joe Walsh’s Day of Action, which will benefit McHenry County State Rep. candidate Joe Reick, among others.

The only way we can turn Illinois around is to fight neighborhood by neighborhood for freedom and limited government.

If the Republican Party doesn’t get on board with this fight, another Party will.

WalshFreedom, Founded by Former Congressman Joe Walsh, is Illinois’ fastest growing grassroots army of conservatives, independents, and Tea Party Patriots dedicated to fighting for freedom and limited government and helping to elect freedom-loving candidates at all levels.

We educate our neighbors, knock on doors, make phone calls, and use social media to spread the word about freedom and conservative candidates.

The WalshFreedom army supports candidates, regardless of Party affiliation, who support the following 5 principles:

1. Cut our taxes… its our money.
2. Diminish the influence of government over our lives and our businesses.
3. Eliminate this government debt that is bankrupting future generations.
4. Respect our God-given rights, including our religious liberties and our right to carry a firearm.
5. Agree to be a citizen legislator and not a professional politician. Self-limit yourself.

If you agree, Let us know! Please click here to take this pledge.

Are you as fed up as we are with the state of affairs in Illinois and the cowardice/corruption of both political parties to fix things?

Would you like to become a freedom fighter and join thousands of others around Illinois who intend to take this state back neighborhood by neighborhood?

Then please sign the attached pledge and become a WalshFreedom Fighter.

We have folks from all over Illinois who have said enough is enough and have become freedom fighters.

We engage in good old fashioned politics and have a lot of fun to boot.

Check out our website and don’t forget to sign the WalshFreedom Pledge (Click here to Take the Pledge). Reply to this email with your name and phone number if you would like more information or feel free to contact our WalshFreedom Coordinator, Barb Babbey 847-804-2112.

Please share this email with any friends, neighbors and family members who are ready to fight for a free state and a free country!

It’s no longer Republican vs. Democrat. It’s freedom vs. big government. We are going to try and force the Republican Party in Illinois to finally stand up for freedom. Please help us.


Joe Walsh Rallies Walkers — 3 Comments

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