Reick Billboard Upsets Franks

My high school classmate, former legislative colleague and former Metra Board member left a message yesterday that he characterized as “the chuckle for the day.”

He was told by a Metra staffer that one of State Rep. Jack Franks’staffers called Metra to discover what pension that Schaffer was getting as a result of his Metra Board service.

The 2010 billboard that caught Jack Franks' attention.

The 2010 billboard that caught Jack Franks’ attention.

In an ongoing attempt to denigrate Schaffer, which started after the posting of one billboard during the campaign of John O’Neill against Democrat Franks, Franks passed legislation to eliminate pension and health benefits from Metra Board members.  (Schaffer already had health insurance from his service as State Senator and as a Department Director under Governor Jim Edgar.)

What makes it a “chuckle of the day” is that Franks didn’t ask for the pension information until billboards for 2014 Franks’ Republican opponent Steve Reick were posted.

This billboard stimulated the call from a Jack Franks staffer to Metra about Jack Schaffer's Metra pension.

This billboard stimulated the call from a Jack Franks staffer to Metra about Jack Schaffer’s Metra pension.

Schaffer said the Metra pension was $139 a month.


Reick Billboard Upsets Franks — 8 Comments

  1. I’m sorry- I’m supposed to feel sorry for the moron that signed all of Phil Pagano’s fraudulent checks?

    Have we forgotten that Jack Schaffer was Metra’s treasurer during Phil Pagano’s tenure?

    And what about the $105,000 in health care that Metra had to pay Jack Schaffer, even though he already receives free health care- and two pensions?

  2. Since most voters don’t even know who madigan is the 2010 billboard should go up again.

    Even low info voters can understand that – especially 4 years later.

  3. Jack Schaffer gets two or three pensions, two or three healthcare plans and for what?

    As treasurer at Metra, he let Phil Pagano embezzle how much?

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