Political, Governmental & Religious Booths at the County Fair – Part 2

I left the air conditioned building and ventured into the fall-back location for the Faith Tent people across the road from Skinner’s (no relation) carnival.

The building that McHenry County Fair officials wanted to put all the Pro-Life and religious exhibitors after many objected in being sidelined into a "Faith Tent."

The building that McHenry County Fair officials wanted to put all the Pro-Life and religious exhibitors after many objected in being sidelined into a “Faith Tent.”

This is where the Environmental Defenders were last year.

It was hot.

I made a U-turn and went toward the exhibit building next to the animals.

It wasn’t air conditioned either.

That’s where I found the new County Yearbook at the McHenry County Clerk’s booth.

Co Fair 2015 County Clerk

The McHenry County Clerk’s booth.

The main goal of the booth appeared to be recruiting election judges.  $140 for the very long day.

The Libertarian Party booth was in the same aisle.

Libertarians continued their multi-year educational campaign at the County Fair.

Fox Valley Libertarians continued their multi-year educational campaign at the County Fair.

On the corner was the new Presbyterian Church in Crystal Lake.

The Pres

Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church, which meets in the old Immanuel Lutheran Church on McHenry Avenue in Crystal Lake was right next to the Libertarians.

Then I reached the Pro-Life row.

There were young people at this Pro-Life exhibit of 1st Way.

There were young people at this Pro-Life exhibit of 1st Way Life Center.  I don’t ever remember young people at the Pro-Choice booth.

In the back corner of the building was 1st Way

It was located next to Congressman Randy Hultgren’s booth.

Congressman Randy Hultgren's exhibit.

Congressman Randy Hultgren’s exhibit.

Two more Pro-Life exhibits were toward the front of the building.

The McHenry County Deanery of the Catholic Church puts on this large Pro-Life display.

The McHenry County Deanery of the Catholic Church puts on this large Pro-Life display.

First was the massive one sponsored by the Catholic Church’s McHenry County Deanery.

Last time the display of baby footwear had people looking closely at it. This year, I stopped by in mid-afternoon on the first day of the County Fair and traffic was slow.

Last time the display of baby footwear had people looking closely at it. This year, I stopped by in mid-afternoon on the first day of the County Fair and traffic was slow.

As before, I especially liked the display of baby booties and shoes.

Here’s a view of the booth from the other end.

The Deanery's banner reads, "Protecting All Human Life frm Conception to

The Deanery’s banner reads, “Protecting All Human Life frm Conception to Natural Death.

Across the aisle was Peter’s Net.

Peter’s Net led the revolt against putting all the Pro-Life and religious organizations in a faith “ghetto.”

A little girl was attracted to the Peter's Net Pro-Life booth.

A little girl was attracted to the Peter’s Net Pro-Life booth.

= = = = =
The links to articles on how the McHenry County Fair attempt to marginalize Pro-Life and religious exhibitors can be found below:

More tomorrow as we move out of the buildings onto to grounds.

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