Rauner Opposes Reduction in Union Bargaining Power

A press release from Governor Bruce Rauner:

Will lawmakers stand with taxpayers or special interests?

Senate to vote on override of Governor’s veto of SB 1229

Uniion Fair Contract Now sign

State employee holds up sign on the way to the AFSCME rally at the Woodstock Square this summer.

Uniion Fair Contract Now sign SPRINGFIELD – Illinois Senators will have their chance today to show if they support taxpayers or special interests. The Senate is going to hold an override vote on the Governor’s veto of SB 1229. Voting to override the veto will be voting for special interest over taxpayers. SB 1229 is an unprecedented piece of legislation that will strip the Governor of his ability to negotiate with public-sector unions on behalf of the taxpayers. The bill puts the decision solely in the hands of an unelected, pro-union arbitrator, and will cost the state billions. It is a vote to pave the way for a massive tax hike. The bill is directed specifically at Govenor Rauner because it only lasts four years, only applying to this governor. Editorial boards from newspapers across the state have urged lawmakers to sustain the Governor’s veto of SB 1229. = = = = = The release then quotes parts of supporting editorials from

  • The Southern Illinoisian (Nothing like SB 1229 exists anywhere in the country. Nor should it. It’s an open assault on transparent representative government.)
  • The Chicago Tribune
  • The (Bloomington) Pantograph (It’s surprising to us that so many legislators want to tip the scales so far in favor of AFSCME. We understand that many legislators are sympathetic to state workers, but who is watching out for the taxpayers?)
  • The Rock Island Argus (Why extend a broken arbitration system’s reach to include most state employees?)


Rauner Opposes Reduction in Union Bargaining Power — 3 Comments

  1. The union members are taxpayers also.

    If wages keep getting lower taxes will be lower and Republicans will take away Social Security.

    Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican said over 100 years ago Americans deserve a living wage that will feed their family, educate their family, house their family and provide a decent pension in old age. Where have the Republicans like this gone?

    Reagan made everything about me, mine being important but America belongs to all people.

    Elect Bernie Sanders.

  2. IF the public runs out of money and also they move to other states, those who want the many unearned entitlements will find themselves with zip.

    No one is ENTITLED to anything.

    As to the unions, this isn’t a sweatshop world here and the benefits and mandatory raises each year are going to drain us dry.

    How about stashing your own bucks in a retirement savings instead of asking taxpayers to foot the bill.

    Live like the rest of the people not the kings and queens.

    If you want private company benefits go work for a private company and take risks like the rest of the workers.

    No more protected lifetime guaranteed jobs.

  3. Public Sector taxes paid are nothing more than an entry in an accounting ledger.

    Unless you believe as Karma does, that you can fill a swimming pool, by taking water from one end and returning it to the other.

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