Former MCC Trustee on Taxing to the Max

Elected to the McHenry County College Board three years ago, Tom Wilbeck, now running for the McHenry County Board in District 1, offers the following commentary on the Vicky Smith administration’s trying to convince four Board members to vote to levy the maximum amount of tax possible after two years of holding taxes constant:

MCC Board President Ron Parrish reminds his fellow Board members of the fragility of the economy.

During a budget discussion, then-MCC Board President Ron Parrish reminded his fellow Board members of the fragility of the economy.  Tom Wilbeck and Mary Miller sit to his left.

The past 2 years MCC has had a flat levy and the college has performed quite well actually.No problems arose.

NO to a levy increase.

Come on trustees!

Enrollment is down, population projections are down AND the taxpayers are way down!

Expansion is no way warranted.

Cuts though, are warranted throughout.

Look closely again at my classroom utilization study.

It’s on record.

Things have not changed.

There are many internal – easy answers.

Come on trustees it is common sense to just say NO.

Look who you represent and do what the people expect.


Former MCC Trustee on Taxing to the Max — 7 Comments

  1. Education folks never ever stop trying to take everyone’s meager bucks.

    If a referendum or expansion doesn’t get passed one year they just wait until the public heat is off and regular folks get tired, dead, or move.

    Then they press the issues over again with never a thought they – the educators – might be wrong.

    Seems to me it’s like the bad guys in the world who set up cells years in advance of when they hit.

    Strategy is strategy and the Education world is well aware of all the games.

  2. Wilbeck belongs on the County Board.

    District 1 residents would be smart to give him their vote.

  3. As we all know vicki smith is for taxing to the max. She is not concerned about the taxpayers or if more money is needed. She like the teachers want it all.

  4. Yvonne Barnes and Tom Wilbeck will give Dist 1 and the County Board some leverage initiating spending cuts, which have been few and far between, Remember them, and like thinkers, in other Districts at election time. Will Koehler’s replacement join them? we’ll soon see.

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