Rauner Suspends Accepting Syrian Refugees

A press release from Governor Bruce Rauner:

Governor Rauner Issues Statement on Accepting Syrian Refugees

Bruce Rauner

Bruce Rauner

SPRINGFIELD – Governor Bruce Rauner has issued the following statement regarding Illinois’ acceptance of Syrian refugees after the terror attacks in Paris

“Our nation and our state have a shared history of providing safe haven for those displaced by conflict, but the news surrounding the Paris terror attacks reminds us of the all-too-real security threats facing America.

“We must find a way to balance our tradition as a state welcoming of refugees while ensuring the safety and security of our citizens.

“Therefore, the state of Illinois will temporarily suspend accepting new Syrian refugees and consider all of our legal options pending a full review of our country’s acceptance and security processes by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.”


Rauner Suspends Accepting Syrian Refugees — 11 Comments

  1. If the Feds refuse to enforce our borders, they can’t force us to take Obamas’ other sons.

  2. Let the Arab countries take in these “refuges”, it’s their responsibility

    We have enough problems in Illinois already with our own government and “homegrown” criminals, we don’t need to import more.

  3. Shame on you.

    The US stirs up these wars that cause refugees.

    Why do we stick our noses and war machines in others countries?

    Letting Bush go into Iraq started this and it has been the longest war.

    War cannot get rid of terrorism just as laws did not get rid of drugs.


  4. Karma, you obviously have not been around the world to see just how bad it is in certain locations.

    And by the way, some Islamic country’s issues with us date back to WWI, WWII AND Afghanistan / Iran in 1979.

    Bush didn’t start this war on “Infidels”, Roosevelt and Carter had more influence on that score.

  5. The usual useless political blather.

    Illinois can’t control what other states allow and last I heard, you don’t need ‘papers’ to cross state lines.

    But Illinois created Obama and voted him in not once but twice.

    Illinois should be the final destination for all 10,000 of Obamas Syrian plan.

  6. This has been a fight since Sarah sinned.

    In truth this has been a fight since the first humans walked the earth and searched for some differentiation from another human, found it, exploited it and started a fight.

    The difference is these ignorant goat herders are made hopeless by their masters, told it is God’s will and then offered a way out of their corporeal suffering through service to their God.

    Their masters then point them in the direction of anyone who has a glimmer of hope or a sliver of freedom and tells them the service is to kill those who would question slavery.

    This is very much the same game book every dictator has used when whipping their servants into a frothing mass of insanity.

    Americans, true Americans, understand this playbook and reject those fools on the national and local stage who believe they can get one over on the populace to intimidate and control them.

    As far as Syrian refugees go…

    Any real men would send their women and children to safety and kill those people who threaten their homes.

    Why would we let these weak ignorant people who won’t even defend their own homes into ours?

  7. DJ I agree with you.

    Send them into Chicago, into the war zone there.

    Every weekend at least 30 die by gunshot.

    They will feel right at home.

  8. Lets get some refugees here in McHenry Co.

    We can give them section8 housing,food stamps and free healthcare.

    Karma can pay for it all

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