Pearl Harbor Day

December 7, 1941.

The day the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

Near Robins Air Force Base is an aviation museum in which the following display reminds folks of that day:

Newspapers are displayed on a Japanese flag in the aviation museum near Robins Air Force Base in Georgia.

Newspapers are displayed on a Japanese flag in the Museum of Aviation near Robins Air Force Base in Georgia.

Because I was conceived before December 7, 1941, my father was exempted from the draft.

Can’t tell you why, but that apparently was the rule at the beginning of the war.

He took a job with Tri-State Packers, a trade association based in Easton, Maryland, shortly after I was born and my guess is that he was further exempted because food production was considered an essential industry.

I know that he regularly arranged for and accompanied canning factory owners to Washington to testify before Congress.

On one of those trips he was told by the National Canners Association’s big league attorney that there were two types of lawyers:

  • those who tell you why you ;can’t do what you want to do and
  • those who tell you how to do what you want to do


Pearl Harbor Day — 2 Comments

  1. And that is why I have never purchased a Japanese Car..and never will.

    Yes on the attorney types.

  2. Cindy:

    That was 70 years ago (my Godfather was there, and had his back broken rescuing sailors out of the water).

    Most Japanese cars are made here, in Tennessee and Alabama.

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