Will Steve Reick’s Fake GOP Primary Opponent Drop Out

Republican Steve Reick is making the point that a vote for Jack Franks is a vote for Mike Madigan.

Republican Steve Reick is made the point last year that a vote for Jack Franks was a vote for Mike Madigan.

Yesterday, McHenry County Blog reported that Jeff Lichte, the Democratic Party plant in the Republican Primary election in State Rep. Jack Franks’ district, was not going to attend the McHenry County League of Women Voters Legislative Forum on Thursday, February 4th at MCC.  (Complete debate schedule here.)

The Democrats spent all sorts of resources trying to knock Steve Reick off the ballot, but failed.

Now, the time to appeal the State Board of Elections decision has passed and the ballot will read

Steve Reick vs. Jeffrey Lichte

Or will it?

Jack Franks

Jack Franks

Reick facing a bit left smiling

Steve Reick

If you were Jack Franks, would you want to face the possibility that the Northwest Herald might run an article telling some of what has been reported in McHenry County Blog about the Democrats’ Jeff Lichte candidacy Dirty Trick?

I don’t think so.

That’s why I expect to see Lichte quietly withdraw his name from the Republican Primary ballot.


Will Steve Reick’s Fake GOP Primary Opponent Drop Out — 6 Comments

  1. Let’s hope he just took Frank’s money to run against Steve Reick.

    Franks offered several people thousands of dollars for their campaigns if they would run against Pam Althoff!!!

    (to split the vote and it would go to the Democrat)

    The democrats dirty pool will catch up with them.

  2. What’s worse Franks or Ebola?

    A: Franks … cause he mutated into an even more disgusting pathogen!

  3. Once again the dirty tricks of Franks / Madigan and the ILL Dem machine.

    Get the word out to people who think Jack IS OK!

    He is the problem!

  4. Jeffrey Lichte’s address is printed on the petitions, right?

    Since he is unwilling to participate in the debate, how will we know where he stands on the issues?

    Politicians go around knocking on people’s doors all the time to try to get them to vote, what if the voters turned that around?

    Could the voters, even a group of voters, go out knocking on politician’s doors to ask them questions – in a polite an non-threatening way of course?

    Maybe some could visit at 6am, others at 9am, some more at 12pm, after lunch another group could stop by at 3pm, then 6pm, 9pm – would midnight be pushing it, other than Friday and Saturday?

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