HRO Pops for Steve Reick Mailing

The House Republican Organization (HRO) is the traditional funding mechanism for the House Republican Leader to assist candidates of his choice.

That is the organization which defended Steve Reick’s petitions when one of State Rep. Jack Franks’ labor union supporters filed an objection to Reick’s petitions.

Now, they have stepped up the support with a mailing.

You can see it below:

Here is the address side of the first House Republican Organization mailing for Steve Reick.

Here is the address side of the first House Republican Organization mailing for Steve Reick.  The photo of the Woodstock Square is not one that is immediately recognizable. 

The HRO theme seem to be that Springfield is not working.

The HRO theme seem to be that Springfield is not working.

On the inside of the mailing Steve Reick is featured.

On the inside of the mailing Steve Reick is featured.

Running against Reick in the Republican Primary is fake Republican Jeff Lichte.

Lichte is such a supporter of Democrat Jack Franks that he had a Franks yard sign in his yard when Google was filming the street and is listed on the 2015 Host Committee for Franks’ low cost McHenry County fundraiser.


HRO Pops for Steve Reick Mailing — 7 Comments

  1. Jack franks is a deft politician but may have outsmarted himself this time.

    McHenry county will turn out big to vote for a Republican for President. The ham-handed actions of placing a stooge on the Republican ballot run counter to his record of elevating the political environment from the George Ryan Culture of corruption gang led by Fat Jack and the Johnsburg Sausage Maker.

    There will be a big partisan Republican vote coming out of suburban and rural areas all around the country this year and it will help every Republican on the ballot, especially in McHenry County.

    Instead of accentuating his record of crossing political barriers for the good of the community, Jack Franks has underscored the corrosive effects of caucusing with the Madigan Democrats.

  2. And Jack resigns from the House to run for County Chairman in Nov.

    Maybe Tryon will run as an independent?

  3. Finally Steve has some help from the Republican party….

    Glad to see it……..

    it’s long overdue

    He can win this election but WE all have to work together………..

    GET ER DONE!!!!!!!

  4. What a dry, unspecific, and otherwise generic mailer.

    You could put the other Republican Candidate Jeff Lichte on this mailer and all the info would apply.

  5. This appears to be paid for by Reick, not HRO, correct?

    There sure isn’t any “paid for by HRO” language.

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