Municipal League Seeks Automatic Home Rule for 5,000 Person Villages

Found on Capitol Fax is the following legislative goal of the Illinois Municipal League:

Expansion of Home Rule Eligibility

Municipal leaders across the state support expanding home rule eligibility to include communities of 5,000 residents and above. The current Illinois Constitution only grants automatic home rule status to municipalities in excess of 25,000 residents, or to municipalities that pass a local home rule referendum. Currently there are 211 home rule governments in the state, and if passed, the expansion would elevate another 173 communities to home rule status.

Given the controversy in Woodstock between city fathers/mothers and residents who do not trust the City Council not to raise taxes, folks in smaller McHenry County towns might conclude it is time to contact their state legislators.

It should be noted that no opposition to the Huntley Special Census, also aimed at proving the village has more than 25,000 people, thereby making it a Home Rule city, has made itself public…at least to McHenry County Blog.


Municipal League Seeks Automatic Home Rule for 5,000 Person Villages — 6 Comments

  1. Totally Against this, Don’t go there if your smart, you will see taxes you have not seen yet…

  2. Another example of how the municipal organizations exist for the sole purpose of increasing governmental power and do NOT represent the taxpayers.

  3. It’s an all out war.

    Government at all levels vs. taxpaying citizens.

    A naked power grab designed to confiscate whatever wealth they can, any way they can under the guise of home rule, and it looks like it may be to late for Huntley residents.

    More house for sale signs will soon be planted on front lawns as residents run for the exits, leaving Illinois and taking their wealth with them.

  4. Illinois the U.S. Titanic of the states.

    Here’s just Reason #687,290 to leave!

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