Schofield’s Mailings

I would have posted these as they were delivered had the Carolyn Schofield campaign folks sent them to me.

Now, I have three that those who are not on the Republican list in the south central part of McHenry County have not seen.

So, they appear below in no particular order, because I don’t know in what order they were mailed:

This one comes from the Schofield campaign.  It talks about getting people back to work.

This one comes from the Schofield campaign. It talks about getting people back to work.

The back of this Carolyn Schofield post card says her top priority is "creating jobs."  It further says she is "the only candidate with a record of creating jobs."

The back of this Carolyn Schofield post card says her top priority is “creating jobs.” It further says she is “the only candidate with a record of creating jobs.”

This post care comes from the National Association of Realtors Fund.

This post care comes from the National Association of Realtors Fund.

The biggest thing that pops off this piece is "Republican" and Carolyn Schofield's name.

The biggest thing that pops off this piece is “Republican” and Carolyn Schofield’s name.

This post card from the Carolyn Schofield campaign talks of her record on property taxes.  No mention is made of her service on the Crystal Lake City Council.  I don't follow the city's levies closely enough to know how she voted there.

This post card from the Carolyn Schofield campaign talks of her record on property taxes. No mention is made of her service on the Crystal Lake City Council. I don’t follow the city’s levies closely enough to know how she voted there.

This side reports Carolyn Schofield's votes on property taxes while on the McHenry County Board.

This side reports Carolyn Schofield’s votes on property taxes while on the McHenry County Board.


Schofield’s Mailings — 3 Comments

  1. What specifically is the proposed constitutional fix to the pension crisis?

    Given the IEA teacher union is a big contributor to her campaign and there not being a specific pension proposal I’m skeptical of any substantial pension reform coming from Ms. Schofield.

    Pensions are like Medicaid, benefits were hiked when existing benefits were unaffordable.

    Definitely taxpayers should not be obligated to fund pensions hiked when existing pensions were underfunded.

    The unions want more funding for pensions and a stronger funding enforcement mechanism.

    The legislators and unions don’t want to talk about benefit hikes to underfunded pensions, and that practice escalated after the pension sentence was added to the state constitution on December 15, 1970.

    Pension benefits should have been frozen until pensions were fully funded.

    That didn’t happen.

    That’s a pension scam.

  2. It’s deeply ironic that she has so many photo ops in manufacturing settings when it’s questionable whether she’s ever worked a real job in her life.

  3. Look Carolyn put “Paid for by” on her mailer! She is smarter than a Judge!

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