Message of the Day – Sore Losers

Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush

The New York Times reports the following reaction from ex-Presidential candidate Jeb Bush:

…Bush posted on Facebook on Friday his decision not to cast a vote in the presidential race in November.

“Donald Trump has not demonstrated that temperament or strength of character,” Mr. Bush said.

“He has not displayed a respect for the Constitution.

“And, he is not a consistent conservative.

“These are all reasons why I cannot support his candidacy.”

Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Graham

And the following from ex-Presidential candidate U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham:

“I do not believe he is a reliable Republican conservative nor has be displayed the

judgment and temperament to serve as commander-in-chief.”


Message of the Day – Sore Losers — 26 Comments

  1. There are those who say the last election was thrown by the GOP leadership.

    I would imagine they will endeavor to do it again.

    What they don’t realize is that by denying Trump support they are actually helping him.

    The average American is sick of the same old BS from the thieves in Washington.

  2. Three questions. Who are “those who say the last election was thrown by the GOP leadership”, how was that accomplished, what is the same old BS average America is sick of and what have the thieves robbed us of?

    Sorry, that’s four questions.

    Let me add one more.

    Why have the McHenry County republicans been so quiet on this blog since Trump became the nominee?

    Just looking for some answers.


  3. Yeb and Lindsey have almost no support from real people.

    For them to *not* endorse Donald Trump is a seal of approval to many voters.

    I hear a Saudi Prince is begging the US to not vote for Trump either…

  4. The ” Never Trump” movement should be ashamed of themselves…..

    They should all rally around the nominee, who, by the way, the people want…..

    All the ex-Presidential candidates that won’t vote for Trump , are not only sore losers, but also are embarrassed because they were outsmarted by a businessman….

    I am a McHenry County Republican and FINALLY there is a candidate with some backbone and smarts to run those Democrats out of office….

    Trump CAN and WILL beat Clinton!

    Trump may be scary , but Hilllary is scarier !

    And by the way……..”Never Harrison”…..movement soon to follow !

  5. Locally you can compare the recent GOP Presidential primary results (to date) to the election of Bill Prim, the installation of a new management for the County GOP two years ago and more recently the defeat of Anna May Miller, Sue Draffkorn and Carolyn Schofield, the win of Joe Tirio plus the election of a new Chairmen for Dorr, NorWest and Algonquin Townships.

    We have two factions of the voting public getting involved in elections they have increasingly boycotted for years.

    The factions are not necessarily extreme right or left wing, they are simply fed up with political correctness, going along to get along and the increase of lying to the public by elected officials.

    I fervently hope that we can elect some people with a ‘spine’ to office.

    People who will NOT be INTIMIDATED by lobbyists, staff and career full time government employees.

  6. This proves beyond a doubt that the Republican establishment are not only sore losers but world class hypocrites, plain and simple.

    You can add Wisconsin’s traitorous Paul Ryan to that list also.

  7. Yea right. But half of you voted for Obama not once but twice in McHenry County.

    Blago re elected by you nuts even after his troubles surfaced.

    Save your conservative values speeches because anyone from Illinois, has a liberal left stench about em.

    It’s in your genes.

  8. DJ? Don’t forget that elections are stolen.

    Always have been.

    It is their sincere wishes for the hoi poloi to turn on each other and blame each other for election results.

    (I firmly believe that not enough people in the whole of this country voted for Oblabla to cause the predicament we are in. There are just not that many stupid people. We have been swindled just as we have been for decades. Just like a lot of things in life, it is all Kabuki theater.)

  9. Has Allen Skillicorn endorsed and/or committed to support Trump?

  10. “An empire destroyed by its enemies can rise again. An empire destroyed from within is destined to remain toppled.

  11. Does Pension Hiking Jack Franks still claim he’s never voted for a Tax Hike?

  12. Agreed CP, they can Walk / Not Vote whatever with Paul Ryan another one who seems not wanting to do their Duty as an American Citizen!

    Sickens me he won fair and square I would have to say by these Grown Men if that is what they call themselves to make comments such as these, they are not only running scared of fear that the possibility of a business man can change things but they are hiding something as well!

    This is why you are not in the arena, you don’t have what it takes!

    its called Truth and the care for the hard working man…

    Sour Grapes all around!…

    if you think for one minute we need anymore Whining babies in office think again and you can walk in our shoes now…

  13. I was never a #neverTrump, because I will never back myself into a corner and the election is in November.

    So I have plenty of time to make-up my mind.

    Trump was my bottom tier choice, just above Ben Carson and George Pataki and behind Jeb and Lindsey.

    I just never cared for Trump and I truly believe he is a liberal in sheep’s clothing.

    Every time he takes a shot at Bill Clinton for his lack of marital commitment, he needs to look in the mirror.

    He said that he supports Planned Parenthood in one of the debates.

    Took a few shots at George W. Bush as well in the same debate.

    Now he comes out and says that he is for raising minimum wage.

    In addition, today he said that he would cut taxes for businesses.

    However, in the exact same sentence he said taxes on businesses would go up.

    I really need to see more from Trump before I would consider voting for him in November.

    I am surely am not voting for Hillary or Bernie.

    However, given the possible choices.

    This might be the first election in my life that I sit home and not give a crap.

  14. If you and others don’t vote, you’ll have four years to reflect upon the decision as Hillary Clinton rules.

  15. I have no problem not voting and it is up to Trump to bring me to the election box.

    Voting have consequences and for those who supported Trump, it is your candidate who has gain my support.

    He never had it to begin and he doesn’t have it now.

    However, I am not closed minded enough to be a #nevertrump.

  16. After 9 months of watching and listening to the presumptive nominee refer to himself in superlatives, disparage anyone who would question him, never give a meaningful answer to any question, make unbelievable statements about his ridiculous “policies,” only to change them within an hour, I pity the Republican Party.

    We got what we deserve, a loud mouth, bigoted, nasty, hateful, psychopathic personality whose only goal is to attain the golden ring of the presidency as his ultimate achievement.

    All those angry Americans we hear about will really have reason to be angry when they see what this “successful businessman” will do to our country should he be elected. God help us all.

    Evidently CP didn’t have any answers to the questions on his 5/8 entry.

  17. CP, not a joke, just looking for some justification to your statements.

  18. In 2012, you could read numerous commentators who believed the election was thrown by Romney.

    You can Google this.

    The corrupt politicians which I believe are in the majority have the same motivation – Money.

    From your County Board with their obscene benefits (medical and IMRF etc..) to the scum in DC taking yours and my tax money and stealing it.

    It is all about family dynasties just as it has always been no matter if it is the Bush family or the Clinton’s. (Take a look at Chelsea)

    What have they stolen?

    Your children and grandchildren’s future by running up an astronomical debt.

    The list of government failure is to large to list.

    All this has occurred while they have built fortunes that will keep their families wealthy for generations to come.

    I hope this explains a little but honestly, this is just common knowledge.

  19. CP, so is there anyone, in your opinion, who holds public office who might have some semblance of a desire to actually help make our country better.?

  20. I have to say I disagree.

    People put themselves on the line every day (as evidenced by this blog) and face all kinds of “damned if you do, damned if you don’t “criticism to participate locally.

    I’m grateful they do.

  21. I was not thinking of the local level as I do not know enough about that.

    My experience at County level has not been good.

    I remember when the jail received a grant of $100,000 for cameras as part of housing federal inmates many years ago.

    The $100,000 was put in the general fund and $16,000 was a located to the jail to put in a fraction of the cameras needed.

    The county board room was doing one of its many refits with very expensive furniture.

    The last jail build out was not finished correctly as the money was diverted to other projects at the end.

    Same old story.

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