Jack Franks Still Running for State Rep. – Part 3

Sometime since last September, this photograph of Barack Obama with Jack Franks and Melissa Bean disappeared from "Chainsaw Jack" Franks' web site.

This photograph of Barack Obama with Jack Franks and Melissa Bean used to be on his web site.  It isn’t anymore.

State Rep. Jack Franks told every reporter but Pete Gonigam that he was dropping out of the race for State Representative.

Sunday, May 15th, Gonigam reported,

“Franks qualified that saying he’d give up the Rep. race if the Committee can pick another candidate who’s both ‘electable’ and holds a political outlook consistent with his own.”

But Franks hasn’t pulled out of the race.

Here is the form that Franks has to file with the State Board of Elections to withdraw from the race:

Withdrawal of candidacy form Jack Franks has to file to get off the ballot for State Representative

Withdrawal of candidacy form Jack Franks has to file to get off the ballot for State Representative


Jack Franks Still Running for State Rep. – Part 3 — 9 Comments

  1. Just Part 3, it seems like Part 30 already .

    OK folks, no need to go bet on sport events

    Or go to the casinos, someone will be setting

    Up the betting pools any day now.

    Aside from that . . . Mike Walkup, hope u make an issue
    Of Franks & his political game playing in the weeks to come.

  2. Cal, this is a big nothing burger you are peddling.

    Franks wants to service in public office, which is something I think a man in your position can sympathize with.

    Why would he remove himself from the state rep ballot he is on until he knows for sure he is on the ballot for county board chair?

    This seems like it is more about whatever personal bitterness you have towards Jack Franks and the excessive paranoia it causes you rather than about some kind of sense of democratic idealism or accountability.

  3. Still waiting for someone to take me up on the bet.

    I’ll bet that Franks doesn’t run for state rep.

    Who’s in on this?

  4. Ah another person going after Cal with comments like
    ‘personal bitterness’ & ‘excessive paranoia’, makes you
    Wonder why you(Cal) put in those years as a GOOD public servant ?

    The ‘nothing burger’ (?) Is Serial term politician Jack Franks running
    For county board chair & state Rep. & Someone making making that sound
    Like that is just fine.

    Well that is the height of politically dirty trick game playing.

    Saving the most arrogant statement for last. . .
    Franks qualified that saying he’d give up the Rep. race if the Committee can pick another candidate who’s both ‘ELECTABLE’ and holds a political outlook consistent WITH HIS OWN .’.

    Some of us like, Alabamashake, want Cal to keep the countdown going

    Because of all the opportunities it will give us !

  5. I for one don’t find it surprising that Lying Jack has taken down his glamor photo with the ‘Great Usurper’.

    Lying Jack is about to engage in his biggest deception to date; he’s going to run for chairman of the County Board and pretend he’s not a Democrat.

    He is and always has been a ranking member of a political party that preaches hatred, greed and victimization in order to win elective office, a political party that loves power more than it loves its Country.

    His Democratic party preaches equality of outcome as a right, while completely ignoring inequality of effort.

    Go back where you came from Jack and take your transgendered bathroom signs with you.

    We’ve had years too much of your Democratic Socialism.

  6. From the Board of Elections Calendar:

    Event Date(s): 8/26/2016
    Location(s): 2016 GE
    Description: Last day for independent, established party, and new political party candidates to file withdrawal of nomination papers in the office of the State Board of Elections.
    (10 ILCS 5/10-7)

  7. I think it takes less than 500 signatures to get on the ballot for County Board Chairman.

    Maybe someone can come up with the exact number.

    In other words, not many.

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