Election Stuff in Sunday Northwest Herald

Read the Northwest Herald at Colonial Cafe today.

Here’s what I saw that might be considered related to the Tuesday Election.

On the front page was a sticker from Republican candidate for McHenry County State’s Attorney Patrick Kenneally.

Patrick Kenneally bought the sticker on the front page of the Northwest Herald for the biggest circulation day of the week, Sunday.

Patrick Kenneally bought the sticker on the front page of the Northwest Herald for the biggest circulation day of the week, Sunday.

Next was a full-page ad giving arguments for voting against the $30.1 million Crystal Lake Library bond referendum.

Sponsored by the Good Government

Sponsored by the McHenry County Good Government Association, this full-page ad appeared on page 7 of the Northwest Herald.

Not overtly political, but certainly fortuitous for District 4 Republican McHenry County candidate Craig Wilcox, is this advertisement for a Veterans Day ceremony at McHenry County College.

McHenry County Board candidate Craig Wilcox has his photo in this ad.

McHenry County Board candidate Craig Wilcox has his photo in this ad.

Finally, there appears to be an ad paid for by the taxpayers through the office of McHenry County Clerk Mary McClellan.

McHenry County Clerk urges people to vote in this Northwest Herald ad.

McHenry County Clerk urges people to vote in this Northwest Herald ad.


Election Stuff in Sunday Northwest Herald — 7 Comments

  1. Nice sticker.

    Hold on…let me guess…wait for it….flavin is going to complain that someone running for office is spending money and putting for effort running a campaign.

    So original flavin of the month, said no one ever.

  2. Thank you to the folks that put
    The info in the NWH about the
    CL Library.

    Hoping it helps some unwitting voters.

    Looking at the info just got me aggravated
    Again that my 89 year old, very cognitively
    And physically disabled MOTHER,
    Could be forced to pay for this expensive
    Unnecessary project.

  3. It looks like Kenneally is running for the wrong office.

    The sticker says great prosecutor, but our last four State’s Attorney’s haven’t prosecuted a case.

    I wonder if Flavin will hire Pat when Flavin wins?

  4. Ray Flavin I guess you are right . . .

    you haven’t had to defend anyone . . .

    is business slow for you?


    should be terminated !

  6. The County Clerk is an elected position.

    To be terminated she has to be voted out of office.

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