Skillicorn Responds Negatively to Use of His Name in Robo-Call Without His Permission

Bob Miller

Andrew Gasser

An email from State Representative Allen Skillicorn takes offense at his name being used in a robo-call attacking Andrew Gasser‘s candidacy for Algonquin Township Road Commissioner.

The robo-call, obviously from supporters of incumbent Bob Miller, went after Gasser’s work to cut taxes.

Here is Skillicorn’s reaction:

Alan Skillicorn

“This is the first I’ve heard of my name being used against my long time friend and supporter Andrew Gasser.

“Last summer Andrew Gasser was with us when we tried to pass a similar referendum in the village of Algonquin and we all know he was successful in both Cary and Fox River Grove.

“No one asked to use my name in this dirty and underhanded attack.

“In response, I’m going to send Andrew a monetary donation to help him continue his efforts reign in taxes and special interests.”

After the robo-call went out yesterday afternoon, State Rep. David McSweeney expressed similar displeasure.


Skillicorn Responds Negatively to Use of His Name in Robo-Call Without His Permission — 8 Comments

  1. I received this last night as well.

    I have never been prouder of a person for standing up to something so wrong like our current township highway commissioner.

    Thank you Mr. Skillicorn for correcting the record.

    Andrew Gasser you have my vote.

    Olivia Rodriguez

  2. Nicely done Allen!

    Andy, I think you owe Bob Miller a thank you. Keep those calls coming, Bob.

  3. Thank you Allen for explaining you had nothing to do with MILLER’S underhanded use of your name (and David Mcsweeney’s)

    This makes me think they’ll do anything to discredit an opponent because they feel entitled to their overblown salaries and family’s salaries.

  4. Did Allen not say those exact words to the NW Herald?

    Did McSweeney not say those exact words to the NW Herald?

    Were those words not directed at the vote which Andrew took part in?

    So where exactly is the deception? Sounds like inconvenient truth.

  5. Hah Joe!

    Bob Millers taxpayer salary & benefits…………………………………. $109K/yr
    Admin Asst of Bob Millers wife at taxpayers expense ……………..$ 97K/yr
    Truck drivers of Bob Millers 2 son-in-laws at taxpayers expense $184K/yr
    Robo-call costing the Bob Miller campaign ……………………………$ 252/wk til election

    Andrew getting donations due to Millers’ lack of respect for taxpayers, underhandedness, stupidity… PRICELESS!

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