NWH Writes Article on Driveway Drops Against Paul Serwatka

Paul Serwatka

There was a long article in the Northwest Herald by Kevin Craver about the allegations contained in literature dropped on Lakewood driveways and sent to the paper.

You can read the article here.

The key sentence follows:

“But public records reveal that accusations raised in the letter are either false or exaggerated.”

The information surfaced during Serwatka’s unsuccessful campaign for State Representative last year.  (They may even have been circulated during his write-in campaign for Lakewood Village Trustee two years ago

The sign for the Lakewood Tax-Fighter Team.

Serwatka is running with a slate of Trustee candidates for Lakewood Village President this year.


NWH Writes Article on Driveway Drops Against Paul Serwatka — 16 Comments

  1. Look at the comments on the article by still-bitter Carolyn Schofield.

    Carolyn–you lost, get over it!

  2. Any opinion in that rag is either false or exaggerated.

    It has been that way forever.

    Does anyone remember the article about the sh** loads of snow?

    That was classic.

  3. Serwatka gets to take the reigns soon.

    Looking forward to the GOP turning on him 3 months later.

  4. The GOP turned on Serwatka a year or so when he refused their order to “stand down” in his bid for the 66th state rep seat.

    That group doesn’t like what they can’t control to do their bidding.

    Love or hate Serwatka, he’s a doer, not a talker.

    He says what he means, means what he says and he gets things done!

    And he is nobodies lapdog!

  5. ^^^^^Cal Skiner intimidation. Gets his lackies to harass. ^^^

    Pretty sad.

  6. These Lakewood goons will stop at nothing so keep their corrupt ways intact.

    Smith and her goon-squad have run afoul too long.

    Serwatka and team will make Lakewood great again.

  7. I am new to the area and received one of those packets.

    Then I recently saw an email that Mr Serwatka was sending out that he has always paid his taxes on his home.

    Not that it matters, but when you look up his name on the tax papers in the county seat you see a MR Branko Dragojlovich as the taxpayer of record.

    Would someone please explain how Mr Serwatka could he be the record of taxpayer when his name does not appear on it?

    If someone claims to be a taxfighter should they not have a bit of skin in the game; or at least have a reason why things are not exactly as clear as he says.

    I am not passing judgement; I would just like someone to answer.

  8. I am sorry; I forgot to say that I find American Politics rather strange.

    Not was I am used t

  9. I am new to the area and received one of those packets; then I was privy to an email that Mr Serwatka was sending out to other blokes.

    He claimed that he was the taxpayer of record for his home.

    When I looked it up on the county seat there is a Branko Dragojlovich on the tax papers.

    Could someone please explain to me how Mr Serwatka can claim to be the taxpayer when he name does not appear on the tax roll for the last several years.

    I am not one to pass judgement; I would just like an answer.

    Please excuse my butchery of the English language

  10. Couple years ago saw Paul outside of Chipotle in Algonquin….

    I recognized him, he didn’t recognize me as I’m “just a constituent”.

    Anyways, Paul proceeded to yell and scream at someone on the phone.

    It was very heated.

    Not sure of the content of the conversation nor did I really care— just seems like a hot head.

    Maybe he had a bad day but dang was he sure angry!

  11. The substance of this comment appears more than once because the program I use requires me to approve first time commenters.

    He commented twice before I looked at the comments.

  12. “Darrin Rothchild” (trustee candidate John Schrauf / Ken Santowski)

    “Records on file with the McHenry County Recorder’s Office (Records that were included in the email that Serwatka sent – for you to see) show that he bought the home in 2011 and is the payer of the real-estate taxes.”

    If you saw the email, then you saw the actual cancelled/paid checks! No room for (mis-)interpretation there!

    “While another co-owner is listed on the papers and the house is currently in that owner’s name, Serwatka said in his email that he uses the home as collateral for other acquisitions and renovations for his real-estate portfolio.”

    I think that summed up answers to your question before you even asked…

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