Dem County Chairmen’s Association Endorses Pritzker, How Did McHenry County Dem Chairman Vote?

Did Michael Bissett, the Democratic Party Chairman from McHenry County, vote with the majority of his peers to endorse J.B. Pritzker for Governor?

Did he even attend the meeting?

After the endorsement became public, I asked him by email whom he had voted for.

No reply was received.

Chris Kennedy, who received a smattering of endorsement votes, is speaking before the McHenry County Democratic Party organization at McHenry County College on October 18th.


Dem County Chairmen’s Association Endorses Pritzker, How Did McHenry County Dem Chairman Vote? — 12 Comments

  1. Yah, would you vote for a guy who has successfully been able to not have to pay
    his taxes because he took the toilets out of the house he bought next to his
    to lower his real estate taxes?

    Did Madigan’s law firm represent him too?

    Geesh, just what we need in Illinois.

  2. Since Witch Hillary now blames Cubanos for her loss of Florida in the last election, I can proudly say the Cubans who left Cuba in the 60s are not dumb about Democrats and their rotten anti-Family, Anti-American and Anti-Christian party and platforms.

    These sickening rats like Biss, Franks and Pritzker should be exposed for what they are!

    QUIZ: Who’s the biggest criminal in this photo?

    Who’s the creepiest?

    Who’s killed the most people?

  3. Who’s raped the most … OK, Who’s raped the most women?

    Who’s raped the most boys/men?

  4. My God you people are the worst. Mr. Skinner why do you let your blog be used in such a bike way? Put a stop to these awful comments!

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