Carole Cheney, the Second Democrat Who Wants to Face Off Against Peter Roskam

Yesterday, Sean Casten, what the first 6th Congressional District primary candidate to address McHenry County Democrats at McHenry County College said was presented.

Today, we look at what Carole Cheney has to say.

Carol Cheney

She is the former District Chief of Staff for Congressman Bill Foster.

She introduced herself as the daughter of an A&P union butcher who lost his job.

Cheney immediately went on the attack against incumbent Republican Peter Roskam,

“Peter Roskam is known for not having Town Halls,” she said, “for not meeting with constituents.”

Continuing, she said that Roskam “tries to portray himself as a moderate while he is extremely conservative on reproductive rights and LBGT rights…very extreme.”

She pointed out the reason Democrats think Roskam is vulnerable.

Hillary Clinton won the district by seven points.

A journalism graduate, she worked for a Public Radio station in Peoria.

Then she worked for the National Safety Council.

Carole Cheney

Her law degree is from Northwestern and she clerked for an unnamed 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge.

She said she was tops in moot court at Northwestern, just as Roskam had been at his law school.

“He needs someone who can call him out,” she said.

On a church mission she went to help in Haiti in 2008.

Working for the law firm of Kirkland & Ellis she became a partner.

She worked on Senate President Phil Rock’s staff for four years “at a time when politicians reacherd across the aisle.”

Comparing Haiti to the United States, she praised the freedom our citizens have to criticize governmental leaders.

In Haiti, one of her contacts got beat up for doing what we take for granted.

She told of going to work at 15 for Wendy’s when it was a new chain.

Cheney told of having major neck surgery, which cost her life savings.

After recovering she went to work for Congressman Foster.

In answering Democratic Party Chairman Mike Bissett’s question about how she would differentiate herself from the others running for the congressional nomination, Cheney made four points:

  1. Experience in the public sector
  2. Experience in the private sector
  3. Understands not-for-profit sector
  4. Experience with media

She was asked about impeaching President Donald Trump.

She answered like a lawyer stressing that she would “look at all the facts before me.

“There is concern if Pence would become President,” she added.

“Pence would be possibly more successful and strategic.”


Carole Cheney, the Second Democrat Who Wants to Face Off Against Peter Roskam — 8 Comments

  1. Psycho eyed DEMOCRAT looking for an easy ride on the taxpayers dime.

  2. Socialism is looking at you straight to the eyes. Get used to it…tic, tock, tic, tock…

  3. Comments about her appearance– get real people. These are pictures taken by Cal and if y ou are not among the candidates or governmental official he favors, he selects the most unflattering pictures he has. The real issue is not what a candidate looks like but what you think of their platform or performance in office.

  4. Would you like me to publish the other photos I took that night?

  5. If I have a photo I have taken of a candidate, I rarely use one found elsewhere.

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