Reick Op-Ed Piece on Sexual Harassment Still Resonating

Ever since Capitol Fax spotlighted State Rep. Steve Reick’s comments on sexual harassment training for legislators, he has been taking heat.

That was Wednesday.

Sunday, Chicago Tribune columnist Rex Huppke had a go.

The part about Reick starts,

“But men have a proclivity of thinking they know much about things which they know little.”

Huppke tells of Reick’s having “created a stir last week by writing a response to suggestions that state legislators complete annual sexual harassment training.”

He describes Reick’s piece as coming off as “defensive and dismissive of the issue.”

Steve Reick

Interviewing Reick, the columnist reported Reick’s saying,

“I got out over my skis with that statement because it was an inarticulate statement that didn’t say what I meant to say.

“My intent was to say, ‘Look we all go through these trainings, we all go through this and that, but that is not going to change the culture in and of itself.

“We can’t use that as the benchmark by which we measure success.”

Summarizing Huppke says that Reick opposes the training “because he fears it might be just for sho, something to make it look like the problem is being address,” which the columnist considers “a reasonable concern, far more reasonable that the reactionary blah-blah he decided to put on his website.”

What should be done?

Reick told the Tribune columnist that “men need to police other men and demonstrate that what he called ‘boorish’ behavior is unacceptable.”

He then reports on what female legislators told him before concluding,
“Reick knows he would have done better.

“I appreciate him admitting tht.

“And now I’d like to see more men do the same.”


Reick Op-Ed Piece on Sexual Harassment Still Resonating — 4 Comments

  1. “men need to police other men and demonstrate that what he called ‘boorish’ behavior is unacceptable.”

    Like the time I told one of my fellow workers (male) that if he did not cease his harassment of an admin assist, we would settle it out in the parking lot – he never harassed her again.

    Steve is correct, the male community needs to come to ‘grips’ with the issue and police each other relative to this issue.

  2. No kidding voter. If men would step up and be real men, we wouldn’t have three-quarters of the problems that we have in this world. Thank you for being real.

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