Compensation for Alden Township’s Elected Officials

The question came up at a McHenry Township meeting as to what officials in other McHenry County townships receive.

Here are the figures in Alden Township:

Supervisor- $16,000
Highway Commissioner- $57,000
Assessor- $16,000
Clerk- $5,500
Trustee- $70 per meeting

In December, the McHenry Township Board, led by Trustee Bob Anderson, voted to pay nothing to the next Trustees, who will be elected in 2021.


Compensation for Alden Township’s Elected Officials — 6 Comments

  1. No wonder he (Preston Rea) signed the petition being passed by McClelland. Can’t even get his own pay correct?

  2. But you have to give Alden credit for their salaries in comparison with other townships in the collar counties.

  3. Alden, Hebron and Burton are the smallest townships of the 17 townships which are all 6 miles square with the exception of Burton. The southeastern part of the County has the most population and can well afford the salaries it takes to run their townships. Their telephones never stop ringing. Night & Day.

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