Chuck Wheeler Praised for Caring for Animals by Board of Health Member

Laura Hatch, a member of the McHenry County Board of Health,  wrote the following letter to the Northwest Herald about McHenry County Board member Chuck Wheeler.  It is reprinted with permision of its author.

Chuck Wheeler really cares

To the Editor:

Animal Control is handled by the County Health Department at its facility on Route 14 in Crystal Lake.

Chuck Wheeler

Who in government takes the time to ensure the safety and well-being of animals in McHenry County?

Chuck Wheeler, chairman of [the McHenry County Board’s] Public Health and Human Services [Committee], does.

Here’s a bulldog, now an “official” state pet, being exercised at the Crystal Lake Animal Control Shelter run by McHenry County.

As a member of the Board of Health, I felt compelled to share my impressions of Chuck. I admired Chuck’s commitment to the welfare of pet populations in McHenry County who are subjected to harsh winter conditions.

His insights into better communication between the sheriff’s department and the animal control department were intelligent observations of the policy.

Wheeler took time in our meeting to fight for the voiceless creatures of the county.

As a result, there was clarification to our current policy to protect our pets.

Wheeler is an example of compassionate and insightful leadership not just for pets but for District 4 primary voters, as well.

Please make Chuck Wheeler your primary choice in the upcoming election for County Board. He cares!


Chuck Wheeler Praised for Caring for Animals by Board of Health Member — 10 Comments

  1. Chuck Wheeler – A Friend to All

    Let’s not forget, Chuck is also friendly to the taxpayers.

    On a recent mailing, he parrotted that the Board cut taxes 11%! Chuck, thanks so much for standing WITH the taxpayer and for having worked with Chairman Franks to cut the boards’ liability by 11%!

    GREAT WORK!!!!

  2. I wonder if he can do anything for a certain deranged DEMOCRAT teacher who
    trolls here.
    Now that would be a miracle.

  3. Chuck is a voice for law and order and true tax savings ( not just abatement) and was AGAINST FRNKS’ 2 PATRONAGE HIRING too!

    Chuck for Chairman!!!

  4. Just got back from Florida in time to vote for Wheeler.

    And I will make sure my husband votes for him too, a bullet vote. I could never vote for the lying, RINO Althoff or her ugly creature in the pram: School Board Taxoholic Bellmore. Never in a trillion years.

    Saw all the inane rubbish Franks’ sick-puppy gurkhas are pumping out.

    Hubris will down Franks and his evil winged monkeys.

  5. Does Wheeler’s concern for animals extend to creatures like Aavang, Hill and Reinert?

    Dumb animals are one thing; evil, rabid, crazed animals are another!

    Yes, I will be voting for Wheeler, not Pam Althoff, the LGBTQ choice.

  6. Mr. Wheeler will surely carry the animal vote. Stay tuned…tic, tock, tic, tock, meow, meeeoooowwwww…

  7. If u ever spoke to chuck wheeler u will ask yourself how could this person be elected for anything. Not to bright. When he specks to you u need a rain coat

  8. I don’t care if he has two heads and is purple polka dotted. He’s a common sense conservative who works for the taxpayers! (hey ‘No No’ if you’re going to talk about not being smart enough to be elected, at least you could use good grammar) to bright should be TOO bright, and specks should be SPEAKS. ) Perhaps you should go back to 3rd grade.

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