Woodstock Enhanced Enforcement Results

From the Woodstock Police Department:

Click It or Ticket Campaign Reminds People to Buckle Up or Pay the Price

The Wooodstock Police Department Wrote 59 Seat Belt Citations during Campaign

Woodstock, IL—Between May 18th and May 29th, the Woodstock Police Department participated in the annual Click It or Ticket high-visibility seat-belt enforcement campaign, bringing awareness to area residents and writing 59 citations for seat-belt violations in the process.

Woodstock Police squad car stop.

The campaign, which coincided with one of the busiest holiday weekends of the year, sought to stress the importance of seat-belt use through enforcement and community outreach.

“It was a successful campaign, and we believe through our enforcement efforts, we helped save lives and raise awareness in our community,” said Chief John Lieb.

“We know seat belts save lives in vehicle crashes. Issuing tickets was not our goal, but it was a way to remind people of the importance of such a simple action.”

Illinois’ seat-belt use rate is 93.8 percent, but unbelted occupants disproportionately account for over half of those killed in traffic crashes. This Click It or Ticket campaign aims to change the behavior of the millions of people who still don’t buckle up.

Thousands of lives could be saved each year if every vehicle occupant was properly restrained when traveling on the road.

During the eleven-day mobilization, the Woodstock Police Department issued:

  • 59 seat belt citations
  • 2 child car seat citations
  • 49 use of an electronic device citations
  • 1 DUI arrest
  • 1 felony arrest
  • 1 suspended/revoked license
  • 4 uninsured motorists
  • 2 speeding citations

For more information on the Click It or Ticket mobilization, visit www.BuckleUpIllinois.org.


Woodstock Enhanced Enforcement Results — 2 Comments

  1. The excuse of “seatbelt enforcement” is a gateway to
    revenue enhancement and confiscation of your money through government coercion
    all in the name of safety, of course.

    When mandatory seatbelt usage was first established it was a non-finable offense.

    We now can see that was just the first step of a ruse intended to separate you
    from your wealth just as property and income taxes have become.

  2. Woodstock police report says: “49 use of an electronic device citations”

    This is excellent enforcement and we need more of it perhaps by unmarked
    police cars. There is rarely a day when driving 2-lane numbered
    roads in McHenry County that I DO NOT encounter at least one oncoming
    vehicle that is not staying a straight course and is veering toward the
    shoulder or toward the center line.

    Yesterday on Route 47 two-lane, a driver in an suv in the oncoming lane
    was veering toward the center line and then started to come slightly over
    it. I was ready to drive onto the shoulder and then the driver corrected.

    When the suv passed me, I
    noticed the male driver had his head down and maybe was texting.

    People using cell phones to text while driving are a huge physical threat
    to drivers who obey all traffic laws. Texting drivers need to be as severely
    punished as are drunk drivers.

    To heck with drivers and passengers who do not buckle up. They put
    themselves at greater risk of severe injury or death in event of a crash.

    Instead, concentrate on finding and arresting those who text while driving.

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