Craig Wilcox Asks about Mike Walkup’s McHenry County Board Law and Government Committee Absences

Craig Wilcox

Not quite sure what brought me to the June 4th minutes of the McHenry County Board’s Law and Government Committee minutes, but this paragraph under “Member Comments” caught my attention:

Mike Walkup

Mr. Wilcox noted this is the fifth committee meeting that Mr. Walkup has missed.

He requested that the County Board get proper representation for District 3.

Mr. Austin stated he will meet with the Chairman to discuss this issue.

Anyone driving past the history Walkup property across from Veterans Acres will have noticed that there is a new owner.


Craig Wilcox Asks about Mike Walkup’s McHenry County Board Law and Government Committee Absences — 8 Comments

  1. Jack is stalling so he can appoint a Dem/Rino like Walkup really was.

  2. Hey Craig, feel free to join him, wherever he is.

    You two weirdos deserve each other.

  3. I am out of state attending to a family health situation.

    The house was sold because some people showed up without it having been on the market who wanted to continue the organic farming tradition I had started so I figured the stars were in alignment for what I needed to do otherwise.

    I have been attending meetings of the Board remotely insofar as that has been possible.

    It is my intention to return when conditions permit, which is unknown at present.

  4. @Jim:

    Name-calling is all the weak-minded syphilitic Dems know.

  5. I’m not a resident of McHenry but I did live in Woodstock for a couple of years great community of people people got along “BUT?” their was a couple of times when I was down on my luck when I needed assistance with living situation etc the community pulled. t to help!!?? but in other aspects.

    the county board members need to pull together and figure those situations out. properly to help??

    Not only with myself but with families but more with the children!!

    But mainly get it together start showing that things could get done make McHenry County great!! AGAIN

  6. Was he out of town ambulance chasing?

    Watch out doctors, he is a lawsuit looking for a place to happen.

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